Why Do So Many Christians Overlook This Common Way God Answers Prayer?

2018 spirit Prayer alone

Gazing at creation, all around we see the results of the power of God, who flung the stars into place, the planets into alignment and brought about life—all out of nothing. Reading our Bibles, we see stories of dramatic encounters with God and His miracle-working power to heal, deliver and protect. We are assured of promises that through Him, all things are possible.

Have you ever wondered, then, “Why do we have doctors and medicine if God can heal?” “Why security if God can protect?” Or even, “Why preachers if God can reveal Himself?” Ever felt guilty for using some of these manmade creations, fearing a lack of trust or patience in God? I have.

God Partners With People

Although the Bible clearly illustrates God is all-knowing and all-powerful, and that He did and continues to perform mighty miracles, it also uncovers what may be an equally astonishing truth: God uses people.

Consider just a few examples from Scripture. To protect His people from impending disaster, God used Noah to build a boat. When Israel needed deliverance from captivity in Egypt, God used Moses to bring them out. To reveal Christ to people who did not know Him, He used the preaching of Peter and Paul. In each instance, God chose to partner with people for feats that He was more than capable to do all by Himself.

As God is certainly aware His choice to use people brings plenty of limitations. In almost every case, it means His desired outcome takes much longer to come to pass. Or, unfortunately, because of human missteps and mistakes, that it doesn’t come to pass at all. At times, it means people get hurt, they pass on, and consequently, that God’s reputation gets tarnished by it all.

We Are Christ’s Body on Earth

But as an example of a perfect delegator, God is willing to take these risks and more as an act of love for us. In using people to do what He could otherwise do instantly and flawlessly, He gives us a sense of worth, purpose and affirmation. In the process of obedience, we are fine-tuned and perfected. But perhaps most of all, God knows that flesh best relates to flesh. That is, after all, why He came to earth through Jesus as a human being. He knew He needed to become one of us, with all the human limitations, in order to show us the way out of our brokenness. Now today, as the body of Christ on this earth, in all kinds of ways, God chooses to use people as His hands, feet, mouth and heart.

Certainly, pray for God’s instant breakthroughs and the manifestations of His miracle power. But be careful not to reject the people He puts on your path to help you. The answers to your prayers might come through community, the talent of a God-gifted person or the story of someone who’s “been there, too.” {eoa}

Kyle Winkler (www.kylewinkler.org) is the creator of the popular Shut Up, Devil! mobile app. His latest book is Activating the Power of God’s Word: 16 Strategic Declarations to Transform Your Life. Kyle holds a Master of Divinity in biblical studies from Regent University. Connect with him on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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