Temple Institute Doubles Down on Rebuilding of Third Temple


In the wake of Iran’s missile and drone launches against Israel, devout Jews have double-downed on their belief and dedication to the rebuilding of the Third Temple.

The Temple Institute in Jerusalem has generated a lot of attention to when it comes to the rebuilding of the temple. From the discussion of the red heifer sacrifice, all eyes have been placed on Jerusalem. Now, in the middle of uncertainty, The Temple Institute has decided to stay committed to their vow that the Jewish people must rebuild.

“When we see evidence of Iran’s barrage of hundreds of missiles and suicide drones over the Temple Mount, where the Dome of the Rock stands where the Holy Temple once stood, where David purchased the threshing floor from Ornan the Jebusite, we are reminded of the awesome obligation which rests upon the shoulders of Israel to fulfill the word of HaShem and build for Him ‘a house of prayer for all nations,’ (Isaiah 56:7)” The Temple Institute wrote on Facebook.

As The Temple Institute focuses on the call for the Jewish people to rebuild the temple, they liken the troubled times Israel is currently facing with Iran and Hamas to biblical times.

“In the book of 1 Chronicles we read of [the] fantastic occurrences that led to the building of the first Holy Temple by King Solomon,” The Temple Institute writes. “These were troubled times for Israel as HaShem was displeased with King David, but the troubled times ultimately led to the building of the Holy Temple, the House of the G-d of Israel.”

The rest of The Temple Institute’s post cited 1 Chronicles 21 and 22, which discusses David’s role and the purpose Solomon would have in the building of the temple.

First Chronicles 22: 5 says, “Solomon my son is young and inexperienced, and the house that is to be built for the LORD must be exceedingly magnificent, of fame and glory throughout all the lands. Therefore I will make preparation for it now.”

These Scriptures, which emphasize the importance of a place of worship for the Lord, are a key reason why Jewish people today desire a Third Temple. Like other Jews and Christians, the people of Israel simply desire a place of worship worthy of a holy God. {eoa}

Abby Trivett is a marketing copywriter and coordinator for Charisma Media.

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