Ex-Psychic’s Message to Fox News: Stop Promoting the Occult

Psychic using tarot cards.

A former psychic who turned to Jesus Christ after repenting of occult practices has issued a warning about a recent Fox News segment featuring a tarot card reading. The ex-psychic, Jenn Nizza, expressed concern that the network may have inadvertently opened their viewers up to demonic activity by airing an act of divination during primetime.

Nizza, who now runs Ex-PsychicSaved.com and has written about her own experiences with tarot cards and the occult, found it “completely alarming” when Fox News host Jesse Watters invited a medium to predict the country’s political future using tarot cards.

“The deception of putting something that seems good out there while pushing a demonic agenda is heartbreaking,” Nizza said to The Christian Post

The medium, Paula Roberts, pulled a tarot card for Trump known as the Five of Cups, which symbolizes a sense of loss. Nizza believes that Roberts is a legitimate psychic who communicates with demons, even if she is unaware of it.

“[Roberts] a real psychic who’s been doing this for a long time and who is serious about what she does,” Nizza says. “A lot of people will say these people are hucksters. That’s just not true. There are hucksters, but this woman is not a huckster. This woman is truly a psychic.”

Nizza explained that the tarot cards themselves do not offer any insight, but the information allegedly channeled through them is inherently demonic. She cited Deuteronomy 18:10-12, which prohibits witchcraft and divination as “detestable” acts that incur God’s judgment on nations.

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By airing this segment during primetime, Fox News risked piquing the curiosity of their viewers to dabble in such things, effectively “encouraging people to enter into demonic communication,” said Nizza.

She also maintained that the lighthearted tone of the segment implied that such practices need not be taken seriously, which she warned also is dangerous. Those who think divination and other occult practices are a form of entertainment are being deceived by what she describes as “smoke and mirrors.”

Nizza expressed concern that Americans are especially susceptible to these occult practices due to the current political climate. She warned that this could lead people down a “rabbit hole of destruction” as they search for answers about the future.

“It’s reaching people,” she warns. “Especially in the culture that we live in and the climate that we live in, people [are] wondering what’s going to happen. We have a lot of tension in the nations, and the election is coming up.”

The Fox News segment drew criticism from users on social media, some of whom mocked the network for airing an ominous prediction about Trump, while others echoed Nizza’s concerns about the spiritual dangers of divination.

As Christians, it is crucial that we remain vigilant and discerning when it comes to the spiritual realm. The Bible clearly warns against engaging in occult practices, as they open the door to demonic influence and deception.

Instead of seeking guidance through divination or other occult practices, we should turn to the one true God, who offers us wisdom, protection and guidance through His Word and the Holy Spirit. As the apostle Paul writes in Ephesians 6:12, “For our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, and against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.”

As we navigate the challenges of this world, let us put our trust in the Lord and seek His guidance in all things, for He alone is the source of truth and life.{eoa}

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James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.

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