Bishop E.W. Jackson

Bishop E.W. Jackson Renews His Call From 4 Years Ago


Bishop E.W. Jackson famously called out to African-Americans to abandon the Democratic Party and join the Republican Party.

See the video below.

Following the conclusion of the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland, he renewed his call.

“After eight years of the first black President, the black community is worse off now than it was when he was elected,” he said. “The Democrat Party has become nothing more than a metaphorical slave ship, holding black voters captive, taking them where they don’t want to go, while telling them they’re on a luxury cruise. It is time to abandon ship.”

Jackson pointed out that 96 percent of African-Americans who voted in the 2012 presidential election voted for President Obama. He said they “got nothing” in return for their loyalty.

Jackson was confronted at the Republican National Convention this week by a white protester who accused him of being a “sellout” to his community. In response, Jackson said, “Don’t tell me what it means to be a black.” It’s a message he’s sharing with other African-American pastors.

“There is an historic clash between the religious liberty rights of Christians and the LGBT push to force Christians to bow to gay marriage,” he said. “They have declared war on Christianity.

“A vote for Hillary Clinton is a sin against God and the church. Trump has promised to restore the free speech rights of pastors and churches. He said he will defend our right to be true to the word of God. Hillary has threatened the church over abortion and marriage, saying, ‘Deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.’

“Democrats have kicked God off their platform. Now they want to kick God out of the church. Black Christians must stop supporting a party and candidates who defy God.”

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