Why I’m Calling for Civil Disobedience on a Massive Scale

Utah same-sex marriage rally

We are witnessing a “gradual Roe v. Wade” by which unelected judges impose homosexual marriage on the nation. Hubris rules the day, as millions of Americans’ votes defending actual marriage (one man, one woman) are negated by one court ruling after another.

Each decision bastardizes America’s noble quest for racial justice by invoking “equality” for unions based on disordered sexual behavior that can never be “equal” to God-ordained sex within marriage. Now the nation’s highest court is content to let the ongoing disenfranchisement become law.

Monday’s action by the Supreme Court only solidifies the idea that the powerful elites who dominate politics, media and culture do not care what the people think, expressed through the ballot box or their elected state legislators. And if “We the People’s” votes do not count, then We live not in freedom but under tyranny.

The notion that nine men and women in black robes know more about what constitutes marriage than 76 percent of Oklahoma’s voters is insulting and preposterous. Now is the time for civil disobedience on a massive scale: We hope that statesmen and citizens alike—in Oklahoma, Wisconsin, Indiana, Utah and Virginia—indeed, any state where the people’s will has been robbed by elitist judges—will reassert their state sovereignty against escalating judicial supremacy.

From a moral and spiritual perspective, no court or government action can—to quote from the ill-informed ruling of Appeals Court Judge Richard Posner—”confer respectability on a sexual relationship” between two people of the same sex. Homosexual activists yearn to be told that their defining sin is not a sin at all—and legalizing genderless marriage is their holy grail to achieve that end.

“Love is love,” we are told, or rather scolded. But God is not mocked: The Scriptures are clear that homosexual practice is an offense against both God and the very bodies of those who practice it (as is all sexual immorality).

The truly loving thing for Christians to do is not to “bless” same-sex relationships but to guide men and women caught up in false homosexual identities to the One, Jesus Christ, who will forgive them if they repent and guide them to a life pleasing to God.

Peter LaBarbera is president of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality.

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