When Will God Shake America Again With Holy Ghost Power?

When will the Holy Ghost awaken the church from its slumber?

God has poured out His Spirit in the United States so many times before. God has truly shed His precious grace on the USA. 

God has used America to send missionaries to the nations of the world, and there is still no place on earth with such access to the gospel. But in the midst of this, the church became complacent and the enemy began to vomit on this nation. He has lulled the church to sleep and evil has made its attempt to saturate the American society.

There is a word that is used frequently right now. That word is awakening. We need an awakening in the United States of America! We must have a move of God! This nation is in a truly desperate situation, and the sad thing is that the church sleeps on. We have failed to grasp the urgency of the moment because as Keith Green so aptly wrote many years ago, the church is “asleep in the light.” 

The United States was founded on the truths of righteousness and justice found in the Word of God. No matter what politicians may say, this nation was founded on Judeo-Christian principles. When America has lived by those principles, she has prospered. When she has strayed from them, she has paid an awful price. 

Proverbs 14:34 says, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.” No matter how prosperous a nation may be, no matter how advanced they are, they cannot escape this Scripture. Sin is a disgrace to any people. 

Over recent years, the USA has started down a slippery path of celebrating things that God has called abominations. Homosexuality is no longer just tolerated; it is taught and celebrated. The streets are not safe because violence has been ushered right into homes through television and video games, and we dare not be surprised that people have begun to act out that violence. And human trafficking is rampant throughout America, funded by money people have given to pay for their pornography habits. We are told that these behaviors are completely normal. We are told that the Bible is outdated. 

What is most alarming is that now you can hear these terrible things proclaimed from American pulpits! In America today, you will find preachers saying that the grace of God is a license to sin, that everything is OK because of grace. You can live the way you want to because Jesus loves you and He’d never send you to hell. 

Our churches are not making a difference because we are asleep! We have been satisfied with a comfortable church-going experience, but we have not yet encountered the Son of God whose eyes are a blazing fire! We have tried every program, sung every song, and preached every sermon we could to make people happy, but we have not been on our knees in prayer. We have not sought God for the healing of our nation, for His hand of mercy to touch us once again. We have been pacified with performance and quieted by the lullabies of hell. 

Shake the Nations travels around the world and believes God for nations; that is no secret. But we are passionate about seeking God to have mercy on the United States of America. We are asking that in His kindness, He might bring to this nation yet another Great Awakening for the glory of His Name! May this nation be shaken once again by the mighty power of the Holy Spirit! Join us in prayer for the USA. Let us be awakened!

Want to know more about the next great move of God and an appeal to heaven for spiritual awakening? Click here to see Jennifer LeClaire’s new book, featuring Dutch Sheets, Reinhard Bonnke, Jonathan Cahn, Billy Graham and others.

As a speaker and worship leader for Shake The Nations, Lydia Stanley-Marrow travels with Evangelist Nathan Morris and also travels around the world herself proclaiming the gospel, representing Shake the Nations. 

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