Israel Faces These Dangers in 2019

2019 01 soldier middle east map

The coming year is likely to be one of uncertainty ‎as Israel tries to walk the extremely fine line ‎between the highly volatile potential of conflict on all fronts, ‎and the IDF’s clear superiority and ability to ‎generate deterrence.‎

Ostensibly, Israel has to strive to avoid a wide-‎scale conflict in 2019. This should be ‎doable as each foe, in every sector, currently has ‎far more pressing issues to deal with: Syria is reeling from a ‎bloody, seven-year civil war; Hezbollah is knee-deep ‎in financial problems and internal Lebanese ‎political turmoil; Hamas is trying to improve the ‎dire economic situation in the Gaza Strip; and the ‎Palestinian Authority in the West Bank is focused on ‎trying to make heads or tails of the impending post-Mahmoud Abbas era. ‎

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