Shawn Bolz Offers Prophetic Perspective Into Easter Bombings That Killed Hundreds

People who live near the church that was attacked yesterday, go down as the military try to defuse a suspected van before it exploded.

Anytime there is terrorism, it is a violation. But to have this kind of trauma play out on Easter has put a special target from not only hell but heaven on Sri Lanka. The blood of hundreds of people is being recognized by our God on the same day we celebrate his Son Jesus’ resurrection. The only thing the terrorists accomplished was guaranteeing a move of the power of the resurrection over the entire nation, and from Sri Lanka to many other nations.

God is going to use the Christian church of Sri Lanka to change the course of the nation. There is about to be a shaking like Hebrews 12: Everything that can be shaken will be shaken, but the good news is that what is of God will stand, and there is so much destiny and purpose on this amazing nation that is oftentimes overlooked or in the shadow of its bordered nations. God is even going to empower some Christians to take political offices and to be in key support roles such as minister of education and minister of peace.

Imagine with me using the power of Ephesians 3:20 over Sri Lanka. What is God’s original purpose over this nation?

I believe God has given this amazing country resources and the ability to process resources like textiles or food. On top of this, God is creating ingenuity for the tech space for creating and engineering in computer science.

I believe there will be a gemstone mountain found in the nation, which will show that this nation has a blessing of natural resources and wealth like gemstones in the land that are untapped, but it will take God’s breakthrough nature to find.

What would happen if God brought Sri Lanka’s resourcefulness to the world around the country and developed Sri Lanka’s infrastructure and government so it could be a nation that is a resource center to the earth, with justice in how the resources are manufactured and exported? God has a dream for industries to be born in Sri Lanka and for Christianity to find a foothold in many neighboring countries because of the glory that He is developing on this great nation.

Let’s pray for God’s dream to bring redemption to the pain the country has experienced this Easter and that has been ongoing because of extremism in religion and other areas.

Sri Lanka, we believe in God’s many dreams for you! To the church of Sri Lanka, we believe that God will strengthen you to provide solutions for government, business and the welfare of the impoverished in your nation.

Listen to the podcasts to hear Shawn Bolz’s interviews with prophetic figures.

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