Renewing America

Hillary Clinton

This Would Guarantee a Hillary Clinton Presidency

Renewing America

A recent headline at The Christian Post stated, “Leading Southern Baptist ethicist Russell Moore says Christians should vote for third-party or write-in candidates rather than settle for the ‘lesser of two evils’.” Jesus Christ is not on the ballot in 2016. Consequently, none of the candidates can claim “no evil” as a campaign motto. I […]

Abortion Protesters

Activist Judges’ Embrace of Secularism Is Folly

Renewing America

Like many of you, I’ve watched hours of 2016 Republican presidential debates. But I have waited in vain for anyone to ask the question, “How do we sustain freedom and liberty in America?” Os Guinness, a friend of mine and a gift to the church because of his books, wrote: “If the founders were correct,

Ted Cruz

Jesus Asked, ‘Where Is Your Faith?’

Renewing America

Did you know God gave the nation of Israel instruction for how they were to select their leaders? In Exodus 18:21, we read, “Moreover, you shall choose out of all the people capable men who fear God, men of truth, hating dishonest gain, and place these men over them, to be rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds,

Lady Gaga and Elton John

Secularism Is Leading America Down a Slippery Slope

Renewing America

Proverbs 22:3 says, “The shrewd sees evil and hides himself, but the gullible pass on and pay the penalty” (as quoted in Bruce K. Waltke’s The Book of Proverbs Chapters 15-31). The Hebrew word for “shrewd” is singular, but “gullible” is plural, suggesting that the gullible are more numerous than the shrewd. The verse teaches that

President Obama

President Obama Engaged in Syncretism During Mosque Visit

Renewing America

Last week President Barack Obama addressed the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C. He told the story of a Muslim man in Chicago who was afraid to lay down his prayer rug and pray at a public park the day following the murder of 14 innocent people by Muslim terrorists in San Bernardino, California. The

Ted Cruz

Would Establishment Republicans Rather Have Hillary Clinton Than Ted Cruz?

Renewing America

The influential Politico Playbook reported, “OVERHEARD: Bob Dole, the nation’s senior Republican, tells friends he is unhappy that Mike Bloomberg might run. Dole thinks that would just elect Ted Cruz. Dole thinks a Bloomberg candidacy would divide moderate voters with the Democratic nominee—providing a clear path for Cruz, assuming he’s the nominee.” Am I to deduce

Bob McEwen

Virtue and Righteousness Are Key Components of Freedom

Renewing America

When former Ohio Congressman Bob McEwen speaks, people listen. God gave McEwen gifts of oratory, and we at the American Renewal Project put those talents to use when we gather across the nation for worship and the mobilizing of pastors and pews.  At these events, Bob tells a story to illustrate how politics works:  An

Jean-Leon Gerome's

Christians Must Stand With Courage and Conviction

Renewing America

Lutheran Pastor Wolfgang Schuch was one of the giants of the 16th century. According to Charles Spurgeon’s The Treasury of David, Schuch was imprisoned for denying “the Church and the sacrifice of the mass” and was sentenced to be burnt at the stake. Upon hearing his sentence, he began singing the 122nd Psalm, “I was glad

Reagan to Spaso House

Is America’s Pagan Secularism Doomed? Yes, and Here’s Why

Renewing America

Pagan secularism has dominated American Christianity for the last century. Though troubling, those who are enabled to see the world from God’s perspective need not be troubled by the false religions that tread the earth’s stage. Though in spring 1942 the Axis powers dominated nearly half of the globe, in three short years they would

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