Renewing America

Rainbow flag and American flag

Why Biden Pointed America’s Attention Away From the Cross

Renewing America

William McKane (1921- 2004) was a Jewish, Hebrew and Hebraic studies specialist. The distinguished Old Testament scholar and former professor emeritus of Hebrew and Oriental languages at St. Andrews University noted in his “Proverbs Commentary”: There is a kind of person who turns Yahweh’s order upside down and who tries to draw others into his […]

Former President Donald J. Trump

SLAPP Down: How the Left’s Lawfare Is Attacking Donald Trump

Renewing America

In linguistics, a “portmanteau” is a word that combines the spelling and meaning of two or more other words or word parts. An example is “lawfare,” a term referring to the use of legal systems and principles against an adversary to damage or delegitimize him by wasting his time and money. SLAPP is an acronym

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

What Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Gets Right—and What He Doesn’t

Renewing America

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., born in 1954, is an American environmental lawyer, member of the prominent Kennedy political family and activist who became a champion during the shadowy COVID-19 vaccine phantasm. In April 2023, he launched his campaign, seeking the Democratic Party’s nomination for the 2024 United States presidential election. In October of that same

Bill Maher

Are We Becoming a Nation of Fools and Mockers?

Renewing America

Bruce K. Waltke, the 93-year-old distinguished evangelical professor of Old Testament and Hebrew, holds doctorates in Greek and New Testament from Dallas Theological Seminary and ancient Near Eastern languages and literature from Harvard. Considered the foremost living authority on the wisdom literature of the Old Testament, Waltke was a translator of the New American Standard

Bill Maher

Are We Becoming a Nation of Fools and Mockers?

Renewing America

Bruce K. Waltke, the 93-year-old distinguished evangelical professor of Old Testament and Hebrew, holds doctorates in Greek and New Testament from Dallas Theological Seminary and ancient Near Eastern languages and literature from Harvard. Considered the foremost living authority on the wisdom literature of the Old Testament, Waltke was a translator of the New American Standard

Pro-Life rally

Why Were Pro-Lifers Noticeably Absent at the Polls in Ohio?

Renewing America

Last week, Tuesday, Nov. 7, Ohio became the seventh state since the landmark Dobbs v. Jackson decision (overturn of Roe v. Wade and sent back to the states) where voters have decided to protect abortion access. The Associated Press reported that voter turnout for Ohio’s amendment, including early voting, was robust for an off-year election.

American shores

How Do We Keep This Toxic Culture From Infecting American Shores?

Renewing America

Dr. Everett Piper (born 1959), a radio host and former university president, recently wrote a commentary titled “What happens in Israel will not stay in Israel,” with a subtitle “Higher education in the U.S. has lost its moral boundaries.” The article makes a connection between Hamas militants in Gaza and the vacuous, sordid shape of

American flag and the Cross

Has American Christendom Finally Come to Her Kairos?

Renewing America

The Oct. 3rd, must-watch interview of Tucker Carlson with Victor Davis Hanson was both relevant and revealing. “If you’ve ever wondered why it’s taken you so long to figure out what’s happening now in American politics, don’t blame yourself,” Carlson said. “It’s not your fault. It’s hard for most Americans to comprehend the total dishonesty

Grafitti on wall

Is It Any Wonder Our Once Biblically Based Culture Has Collapsed?

Renewing America

George Clooney, Oprah Winfrey, Jeffrey Katzenberg, Steven Spielberg and other so-called celebrities in support of gun control financed a “student-led” march in Washington, DC, on March 24, 2018. With gun control being just one of many tenets of religious secularism, other articles of faith include guilt-free abortion up to the moment of birth as well

2023 8 Lane Youth preaching

Why Is American Christendom in Such a Mess?

Renewing America

God has a plan called His gospel, which includes a detailed blueprint called the Bible, a workforce designed to implement His plan called His church and a CEO called the Holy Spirit who is everywhere at once, writes Dennis Peacocke in Doing Business God’s Way. “The major problem is the workforce—the believers,” Peacocke continues. “They

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