Prophetic Word: Old Sickles Will Not Harvest This New Wheat

2017 blogs Prophetic Insight wheat golden harvest

Somewhere in the place between asleep and just barely getting there, I had a vision a few nights ago, and I felt I needed to share it. I saw myself in a giant wheat field. The grain was thick on the stalks, almost to the point of them beginning to droop. I walked through them, feeling them rush past my hands. I could see in the distance a few people using a sickle to cut the wheat. They were hard at work and didn’t even notice me. Then suddenly I found myself in what seemed to be a clearing, but it wasn’t supposed to be one. I could see that a huge section of the wheat had been crushed down leaving a large portion pushed down. As I looked around the field again I could see that many of these sections were around the field. I knelt down to look at the wheat, and the heads were just as bountiful as the ones whose stalks were not broken. I looked up at one of the harvesters and instinctively I knew that the sickle wouldn’t harvest this wheat. I knew that to harvest these portions of the field were going to take extra special care. These portions needed new methods.

As I began to pray about this vision it’s meaning to me seemed very clear. The harvest and wheat fields are commonly referred to in the Bible as the mission field. The stalks of wheat were the souls of people. (Luke 10:2 and Matt. 9:37). What I believe God was saying is that the harvest is there. I believe the church is getting ready to experiences one of the biggest harvests we’ve seen in a modern age. However, the methods we have always used may not work for everyone. Some of stalks have been beaten down and trodden. Some of them are just as ripe as the others but are going to need some extra care to harvest. As leaders in the church, we can’t just assume that methods we’ve always used for evangelism are the ways we always have to use. We must seek God for how to reach those sections of the field. We must remember that these are people just lying in the field and needing someone to help them up.

May we begin to seek God for those new methods. May we not assume that new wine will go into old wineskins. May we hear from heaven as to how to reach the lost and do what needs to be done. The harvest is plentiful, may we get up from our padded pews and be one of the laborers. {eoa}

Anna M. Aquino is a published author, guest minister and prophetic voice. Her books: Cursing the Church or Helping It? Exposing the spirit of BalaamConfessions of a Ninja MomAn Ember In Time and A Marriage In Time are available wherever books are sold. She has been on TBN, TCT, and a variety of other programs both TV and radio. Please feel free to check out her website at

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