Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘Reclaim Your Territory’

2021 7 Steffens praying territory

“In that day the Lord will reach out his hand a second time to reclaim the surviving remnant of his people” (Isaiah 11:11a, NIV).

Recently, we had some landscaping done to our property. Originally there was a wall that separated the side yard from the front of the block.

While the wall provided privacy, it separated our land into two sections. One was a small side garden that was used; the other was the front of our block, which was larger but unused and untended.

My husband, in his wisdom and foresight, decided that we should tear down the existing wall so that we could utilize all the space. This meant we could repossess the fallow land and make the most of our entire property. It took some sacrifice and work, but it has allowed our family the freedom to enjoy our block fully.

Just after we had finished the expansion, I awoke to the Spirit whispering these words to me: “Reclaim your territory.” I could see in my mind our yard and sensed the Holy Spirit saying that what we have walked out was a prophetic picture for many.

God is saying that we are in a “season of reclaiming,” and there is an anointing available to reclaim things that belong to you.

To reclaim means to retrieve or recover, to obtain or to return. This can be applied to several areas. A common image is of bringing what has been waste land under cultivation so that it can become used and useful.

As I sat with the Lord, there were five key areas that He highlighted to reclaim.

Originally, I put this first one down the list, but the Spirit impressed upon me the foundational nature of this area:

1. Reclaim your walk with God. The Spirit is calling us back to basic intimacy. If you want to reclaim parts of your life, you have to know what you can claim and how to do it. The spiritual disciplines themselves are not the answer, but they bring us into a place of intimacy and trust with God. They build our faith, authority and vision. They allow us to call into being that which is not yet. (See Rom. 4:17).

Begin to reclaim your spiritual disciplines that identify you as a disciple. Make the following your priorities in this season: Time with God, prayer, Scripture reading, communion, sabbath, speaking in tongues and fasting. “The next morning Jesus got up long before daylight. He went out to a place by himself. There he talked with God” (Mark 1:35, WE).

2. Family and salvations. The Spirit is moving in families and relationships to “reclaim” those who belong to Him. He is moving in hearts and minds of people who have chosen unbelief or rejected Him, those who have allowed division to come and destroy their family relationships and Godly relationships. There is a turning point upon these like in the parable of the prodigal son in Luke 15:11-32.

Begin to reclaim these, just as the father ran to meet the son (v. 20), begin to embrace them in your prayers and your words. Paul further reminds us in 1 Timothy 1:15 (NIV), “Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst.” Jesus’ heart is to see all come to know him.

3. Resources and provision. The Spirit is releasing provision of resources for those who have been entitled to financial provision, but it has been held up, taken or misused. God’s heart is to see this released to you. As 2 Corinthians 9:8 declares, “And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will have plenty left over to share with others.”

Begin to reclaim your financial provision, what you are entitled to in provision and wealth is being released and restored to you so that you can use it for the purposes God intended. “‘I will prevent pests from devouring your crops, and the vines in your fields will not drop their fruit before it is ripe,’ says the Lord Almighty” (Mal. 3:11, NLT).

4. Health and healing. The Spirit is moving upon those who have lost their health and need healing. Sickness and death rob us of the ability to live full and joyful lives. This is for those with extended sickness or a chronic illness which has blocked or limited your life, work, ministry and even your family relationships. Or maybe it has been someone close to you, a spouse, a child or a parent who has required you care for them. Just as Jesus said to the paralyzed man in Mark 2:1-12 (NIV) “take your mat and walk,” His heart is that you will reclaim your life and health.

Begin to reclaim your health and healing. God’s heart is that you would be healed and whole. The Scriptures are full of examples of God’s desire to heal and restore people to good health. “‘I will give you back your health and heal all your wounds’, says the Lord” (Jer. 30:17).

5. Purpose and territory. The Spirit is moving upon areas of purpose and calling. These are areas you have been prepared for but remain uninhabited. There is a territory God has called you to; however, you have not been able to obtain access. You have been restricted. “I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down the gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron” (Isa. 45:2-3).

Begin to reclaim your purpose, calling and territory. God is opening the door for you to step in and expand the boundaries that have kept you behind the wall. He is breaking down the barriers and calling you to reclaim the purpose, calling and fruitfulness He has for you. “If you carefully observe all these commands … the Lord will drive out all these nations before you, and you will dispossess nations larger and stronger than you. Every place where you set your foot will be yours” (Deut. 11:22-24a).

The Spirit reminds us to take our eyes off what others have done to us and what the enemy has tried to do and to put our eyes back onto God. What is God saying about your life? Your relationships? Your health? Your purpose? Be filled with faith and hope to rise and reclaim what God has given to you.

“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you” (Isa. 60:1-2).

To hear this word and more keys to reclaim your territory listen to Episode 11 of Abiding Matters on Charisma Podcast Network. {eoa}

Charissa Steffens is a writer and teacher with a passion for the prophetic and Scripture. Through her ministry Abiding Matters she loves to see people come closer to Father God. She hosts the podcast Abiding Matter with Charissa Steffens on Charisma Podcast Network and writes for various online Christian publications. She is the former editor-in-chief of Indulge Magazine. She holds a Bachelor of Business, post graduate diploma in education, and a Master of Arts in biblical studies. To contact Charissa or learn more visit Abiding Matters.

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