
Rainbow flag and American flag

Why Biden Pointed America’s Attention Away From the Cross

Renewing America

William McKane (1921- 2004) was a Jewish, Hebrew and Hebraic studies specialist. The distinguished Old Testament scholar and former professor emeritus of Hebrew and Oriental languages at St. Andrews University noted in his “Proverbs Commentary”: There is a kind of person who turns Yahweh’s order upside down and who tries to draw others into his […]

Former President Donald Trump

Why Is Donald Trump So Hated?

In the Line of Fire

There is no neutrality when it comes to Donald Trump. He is arguably the most polarizing figure in America, if not in the world, and at the mention of his name, temperatures rise. To his loyal supporters, he is a courageous hero of superhuman proportions. To his fervent detractors, he is the incarnation of evil

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Warning: Hell Is for Haters

Here's the Deal

Imagine an America where people hated sin as much as they hated other people. Gathering with nearly 200 Christians and Jews for a solidarity event in Nashville, a leader suggested we change “anti-Semites” to “Jew haters” to drive home the seriousness of hatred. “Don’t mess with me about hate for Trump!” declared Nancy Pelosi. She’s

displaying showing three flags of Israel

The Hoax of Denying Replacement Theology

In the Line of Fire

In an April 4 article titled “The Hoax of Replacement Theology,” Gary DeMar claims that “The modern-day Israel-Church distinction is contrary to everything we find in the Bible,” by which he means that the nation of Israel, outside of Jesus, can be seen as “the people of God.” He also claims that “The Replacement Theology

Former President Donald J. Trump

Our Delicate Dance With Donald Trump

In the Line of Fire

In April 2016 I wrote an article titled, “Donald Trump is Not Your Protector: A Warning to Conservative Christians.” It began with a strong word of caution: “Donald Trump has presented himself as a protector of conservative Christians and as the best friend Christians will ever have. He has held up his mother’s Bible and

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America Is in Moral Freefall

In the Line of Fire

For many years now, it has been clear that America has been in a steep moral and spiritual decline, despite some genuine revival movements along with some holy pushback against the growing cultural insanity. But two recent examples confirm that we are now in moral freefall. The first is President Biden’s proclamation that March 31,

solar eclipse amid clouds

End-Times Confusion and the Great American Eclipse


As the Great American Eclipse of April 8 approaches, the internet is buzzing with theories and speculation about its meaning. Some have gone so far as to declare that the rapture and Second Coming will happen this year. You may have heard that there have been 12,000 solar eclipses since 1776, but this one and

Former President Donald J. Trump

SLAPP Down: How the Left’s Lawfare Is Attacking Donald Trump

Renewing America

In linguistics, a “portmanteau” is a word that combines the spelling and meaning of two or more other words or word parts. An example is “lawfare,” a term referring to the use of legal systems and principles against an adversary to damage or delegitimize him by wasting his time and money. SLAPP is an acronym

Cross with lightning superimposed, shown in clouds.

Doubts and Proofs of Jesus’ Resurrection


If you read this on Resurrection Sunday, perhaps you have already exchanged the traditional hope-filled affirmation with other believers: “He is risen!” And they have responded, “He is risen, indeed!” The apostle Paul plainly declared the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead an essential element of our faith: “If Christ has not been raised,

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