Open Letter to Pastors and Church Leaders on Homosexuality

There are many factors on the line when you step out and address homosexuality, but the greatest factor on the line is eternity.

I understand that homosexuality is a sensitive topic to address. There are many factors on the line when you step out and address homosexuality, but the greatest factor on the line is eternity. It’s your job as a pastor, minister and shepherd to protect the sheep (people). You must protect them from the wolves, themselves and each other. You must do this with wisdom and discernment. We must be as wise as serpents and as innocent as doves (Matt. 10:16).

In my new book, Gay Awareness, I address three mistakes the church typically makes in regard to homosexuality. They make it the greatest sin, they ignore it or they affirm it. Don’t make these mistakes as leaders of God’s people. Don’t make insensitive remarks like, “God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve,” which make light of the situation and degrade people. Homosexuality isn’t the primary issue. There is always a greater hurt, wound or fracture underneath it that needs healing.

Don’t ignore the issue! Don’t be afraid of what people will say or think of you. Don’t use politically correct answers or let public relations directors tell you how to publicly talk about issues from the pulpit every week. The pulpit is no place for cowards. Don’t run your church like King Saul, afraid of the people.

This isn’t my fight; this is our fight. Satan is coming after this generation with everything he has. You and I are to stand between this generation and the gates of hell. This battle is coming to your ministry. Watch laws pass that will take away your legal ability to preach Scripture; it will happen. If we can’t resist affirming and embracing those who practice homosexuality, how are we going to prepare the people of God to resist the things of the world, including the mark of the beast?

You’re not called to be popular! I want to say it again: You’re not called to be popular! Jesus told us the opposite (Luke 6:26). If you do your job, some people will reject you, some will hate you, and some will persecute you simply because of God’s Word and righteousness. At times, this is hard for me too. I want to be liked. I want to fit in. But I realize it’s not me they are rejecting. They are rejecting the Word of God and Jesus. Remember, they are not rejecting you and your ministry; they are rejecting Jesus, who is the Word of God!

This generation of preachers is far too concerned with their following and reputation. Jesus lost followers on a regular basis. We’re taught to “make ourselves of no reputation.” Yes, standing on God’s Word may cost you your reputation. However, one day in heaven, you will meet the people your ministry of grace and truth helped keep on the narrow road to life and the path of righteousness.

Don’t let intimidation cause you to shrink back from addressing homosexual practice. Don’t simply deflect by saying, “We believe what the Bible teaches.” Many people believe some crazy things that false teachers say the Bible teaches. As spiritual leaders, it’s your job to clearly teach how the Bible defines marriage between a man and a woman, and how not having sex outside that union is pure and blessed in the Lord’s sight. Be loving and bold.

I will warn you, when you stand for righteousness and holiness in sexuality, you will face demonic opposition. Never in my life have I felt the warfare and intimidation I felt while writing and releasing Gay Awareness. At times, I felt like I was having a heart attack, the witchcraft of anxiety was so great. However, when I felt the demonic intimidation I knew I was on the right track. I would just recall David’s words: “You come at me with weapons of intimidation, but I come at you with the name/Spirit of God!” (1 Sam. 17:45). Stand strong. It’s worth it.

Minister to minister, I want to challenge you to be very careful what you say when it comes to people. If you use derogatory words (you know what I mean) toward LGBTQ people in private or behind closed doors, you will never have a public impact or effectively reach that community for Christ.

Finally, I want to encourage you to begin to pray and ask God to give you a heart for the gay community and people who are LGBTQ. Pray for them every day. Ask God to pour out His Spirit on their community. On a regular basis, go to the gay districts in your city and pray. Ask God to send the Holy Spirit to bring conviction and repentance. Let’s believe God for a revival in the LGBTQ community for the glory of God! {eoa}

Landon Schott and his wife, Heather, founded The Rev Ministries in 2008 and launched, a 24/7 online youth and young adult network dedicated to turning the heart of a generation to Jesus through Christ-centered media. Landon received his Bachelor of Arts from Trinity Theological Seminary and has authored Gay Awareness: Discovering The Heart of the Father and the Mind of Christ and Jezebel: The Witch Is Back, a spiritual warfare book. Connect with Landon on Instagram or Twitter @LandonSchott

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