American Idol is Homo-Promo-Phobic Claims Rival Host


In January of 2010, I claimed that the FOX TV show American Idol hired Ellen DeGeneres to fight the rumors within Hollywood that the show was anti-gay; this after the more talented Adam Lambert lost the competition to a “Teen-Beat” hetero-dreamboat.

Idol‘s producers allowed DeGeneres to drive the show into the ground to appease a flaming Hollywood minority. Eventually profit-minded heads prevailed and the gay activist was replaced after one horrendous season.

Idol‘s producers had paid their alms to Hollywood’s Gay-McCarthyites and thought they were in the clear. Not so fast claims Idol-rival co-host Adam Levine; this week Levine charged that Idol was not doing enough to promote gay contestants. What does he want, pink-triangle armbands to tell viewers who is gay and who is straight?

Should Levine get his way and Idol steps up its promotion of identifiable homosexual contestants, I guarantee that will not be the final demand. Next season someone else will complain that the contestants were not gay enough. Perhaps we need a sliding scale, with an independent panel awarding levels of homosexuality based on flamboyant expressiveness and on-the-record out-of-the-closet dramatic statements.

But what if someone fakes being a homosexual to earn the pink armband? How do we know what gender each contestant truly desires? We need a certification process lest the talent pool is contaminated with that rarest of all gay performers, the male-lesbian. We will need the casting couch reinstated to insure same-sex sexual preference purity.

I hope I have illustrated the idiocy of attempting to accommodate a militant homosexual agenda, even by a television production. Once we make how one fakes procreation into a class, let alone a “minority,” we have shown ourselves to be fools indeed.

Gary McCullough is director of Christian Newswire.

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