Jack Hayford Offended, Angered Over Trayvon Martin Death

Trayvon Martin rally

As an American, I’m offended and angered over Trayvon Martin’s death. I’m angered more at the evil spirit embraced by any who chose to live in with a soul darkened by racism’s hatred, injustices, profiling and dehumanizing.

As a human being, I grieve with my brothers and sisters in the black community—longing to assure them of my support, my indignation and my readiness to weep with them as one feeling as equally violated as they.

As a Christian, I am grateful for a Savior who not only taught against racism but died as a victim of its wiles; and grateful for His indwelling power that used our brother Martin Luther King Jr. to point the way for our nation, to lead us out of racism’s darkness.

At this moment, I must add, however, that I wish King was present to show us all how best to respond to this moment without compounding hate, violence, polarization or retaliation. May God help us learn and love as a people, rather than trade eye for eye.

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