In the Line of Fire, by Michael Brown

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Why We Cannot Be Silent

2019 04 woman taped mouth

Go ahead. Ban me. Block me. Get out your nasty dictionary and vilify me. Call me obsessed. Hateful. Bigoted. Have at it.

The fact is, there are a million things I’d rather write about, but the state of the world leaves me no choice. To be silent is to give tacit approval. To be silent is to accept. To be silent is to capitulate. And that’s not going to happen.

A Democratic leader announces his presidential candidacy and then turns to kiss his same-sex partner. And the crowd celebrates.

Sorry, but I’m not celebrating.

A growing number of parents are devastated after their vulnerable, confused, trans-identified daughters have had their breasts removed, only to realize they are actually women. Or their sons have had their private parts altered, only to realize they are actually boys. Dare we be silent? Even health workers are raising their voices in protest.

As noted by the Kelsey Coalition, “History is replete with medical scandals. Frontal lobotomies to treat mental illness. Forced sterilization to control ‘undesirable’ populations. The infamous Tuskegee Experiment. Indefensible, unethical medical procedures were performed for years. Why did it take so long to stop them?

“History is repeating itself.”

Today, “young people are often prescribed risky hormonal treatments. … Not a single long-term study supports such risky medical interventions.” Worst of all, “Minor children may be treated surgically. Girls may have their breasts removed at age 13 and their uterus at 16. Teen boys may have their penis and testes removed shortly after their 16th birthday.”

This is social madness. How can we sit idly by?

Our moral framework is collapsing, and our kids and grandkids and great-grandkids will pay dearly. How can I hold my tongue from speaking or restrain my pen from writing?

It is love that motivates me and moves me. Love for God. Love for America. Love for the coming generations. Love for what is best.

You can call it hate. You can brand me a Nazi. That will only encourage me to speak up all the more clearly.

On Monday, I tweeted, “[Make] no mistake about it: You can be polite, gracious, friendly, kind, and civil when discussing LGBT issues. But if you don’t affirm the LGBT agenda, you’ll be branded a hateful, bigoted, Nazi homophobe. Don’t be surprised!”

In response, a concerned mom posted: “Sad truth! Even my daughter who goes to a Christian school comes under attack for defending what the Bible has to say about homosexuality. She gets so frustrated. Cried today to me about having to defend 2 genders among a few of her friends. Jesus said we would be persecuted.”

How can I hold back after reading something like this? And note carefully: It’s happening in Christian schools. Bible-believing schools. Jesus-exalting schools. Or at least, that’s what they’re supposed to be.

Yet even here, the spirit of the world has become so pervasive that it is now controversial to affirm the Christian Scriptures in an allegedly Christian school. It’s controversial to state that there are two genders (as opposed to an endless number). What on earth is coming next?

No wonder this young lady was in tears. No wonder her mother was grieved. To be unmoved by this is to be indifferent, apathetic, compromised and complacent. God forbid that should describe you or me.

Pat Buchanan put all this in context in a recent article, noting that, “If Pete [Buttigieg] is right, since the time of Christ, Christians have ostracized and persecuted gays simply for being and behaving as God intended. (Buttigieg is the aforementioned gay presidential candidate.)

“And if that is true, what is the defense of Christianity?”

The “progressive” response is simple: Just rewrite the book!

Buchanan also wrote, “After the sexual revolution of the ’60s, births out of wedlock rocketed to where 40 percent of all children are born without a father in the home, as are half of Hispanics and 70 percent of all black children.

“Pornography, which used to bring a prison term, today dominates cable TV. Marijuana, once a social scourge, is the hot new product. And Sen. Kamala Harris wants prostitution legalized.”

And on and on it goes.

In our families. In our schools. In our places of business. In the media. In the world of entertainment and sports. And in the world of social media.

Wherever we turn, there is confusion. Deception. Darkness.

And that is because we who have the light are not living as light. Not shining as light. Not walking in truth. Not speaking the truth.

That’s why I cannot (and will not) be silent.

What about you?

It’s time we let our light shine—in word and in deed.

Do we really have a choice?

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