How My Unborn Daughter Is Prophetic Confirmation of Alabama’s Pro-Life Bill

Natalie Brumfield at her baby shower

The strongest pro-life bill in American history since 1973 passed last night in Alabama. The Human Life Protection Act passed on May 14, 2019, and will go on to be signed by Governor Kay Ivey.

HB 314 was created by legislators to be a truly “clean” bill. A “clean bill” in this case is where babies in the womb conceived in rape or incest would be protected because they are people. These specific cases would no longer be an exception. And thus, this law will go on to the Supreme Court to challenge Roe v. Wade with the personhood of all babies in the womb.

This bill’s passing has a prophetic timing to the birth of my daughter, Eloise Constantine.

It was Easter weekend 2012 that a major abortion provider in Birmingham had formally shut down on Good Friday. I was on an airplane headed to the Esther Call in Texas to pray for the ending of abortion with thousands of women gathered across our nation when I received the news that our local abortion center was closed!

It was confirmation that God was moving, and it was a firstfruit of what would be birthed out of the Esther Call that very weekend. The Esther Call, named for the biblical figure Esther and her role in saving a nation, brought together over 4,000 women in prayer and worship for life and the ending of abortion.

I led prayer on the Esther Call stage along with many powerful intercessors such as Lou and Therese Engle, Tracy Eckert, Matt Lockett, Dehavilland Ford and Laura Allred among many others. I prayed with new fervor, knowing there was a dunamis shift going on in America for Life.

When I was returning home to Birmingham on the plane, I was praying, and the Lord showed me a prophetic promise tied to the ending of abortion. I saw a picture of my future daughter on the cover of a children’s book. The cover of the book said, “Eloise stands for LIFE!”

I was shaken and in awe. I was single at this time, and I knew the Lord was revealing to me a future glimpse of a daughter I would conceive named Eloise, who would be a sign and a wonder (Isa. 8:18) for a world-changing “stand” for life in our nation. Eloise is a derivative of Louis, my father’s name, meaning “mighty in battle,” and her middle name, Constantine, is a namesake of the first Roman emperor revivalist who legalized Christianity and called his nation to Jesus.

I am now nine months pregnant with Eloise, the daughter the Lord spoke to me about seven years ago at the Esther Call in 2012. It is not a coincidence that she will be born this week, the week this “mighty in battle” life bill passed in Alabama and will go on to challenge Roe v Wade.

The birth of Eloise Constantine is a sign and a wonder to our nation that Jesus is bringing forth a mighty generation, a Jesus generation, that literally stands for life and revival! This generation is being birthed right now and is making history. The very timing of their births and the meanings of their names are prophesying the ending of Roe v. Wade in America forever.

Pray with us as we stand and contend for life in our nation. Pray in full assurance and faith that there is a Jesus generation being birthed in this hour that is prophesying the ending of abortion, the increase of adoption and the spiritual awakening of our government and nation.

Your prayers, your voice matter to God! You can be a part of this prophetic promise when you partner in prayer for Jesus’ generation to come forth for the ending of abortion in all nations.

Since 2008, Natalie Brumfield has served as Birmingham chapter leader for Bound4LIFE (a grassroots movement to pray for the ending of abortion, increase of adoption and for revival worldwide) while being a pro-life initiatives writer. Natalie and her husband, Matthew, reside in Birmingham, Alabama, and love being foster and adoptive parents, as well as active volunteers at their local pregnancy care center.

Listen to the podcast to hear more of Natalie’s story.

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