Looking Back on Answered Prayers, We Believe for What’s Ahead in America

Pam Olsen, left, prays with Florida Gov. Rick Scott, center.

I have been a governmental intercessor for 25 years, standing in the gap for our country. I began to truly intercede for the nation when I had my fourth child; today, with four grandchildren, I am still standing in the gap for America and training young intercessors.

Many battles have been won and some lost. Our job as intercessors is to stay steady, stand firm and never, ever give up! Sometimes this is easier said than done. When you watch the news and it seems like you’re losing, you have to learn to declare the Word of the Lord, realize you’re in a long-term battle and not grow weary.

I want to share some stories of governmental intercession that I hope will give encouragement in the midst of the battles we are facing right now as a nation.

“The Burning Bush” and the 2000 Presidential Election

When George W. Bush was running for president, God began to speak to intercessors all around the country to pray for “the Burning Bush.” Each of us took our assignments, to stand on the wall and war over who would be president. Little did we know that the contest would come down to Florida—and yes, every vote does matter! (Bush won by 537 votes in Florida.)

Election night turned into many weeks, with much fasting and intercession before the outcome would be determined. Our team led prayer at the Florida Supreme Court, as it became a battlefield. We could feel the warfare—if viewed with our spiritual eyes, we would’ve seen angels and demons battling in the atmosphere over our capital city.

We were praying along with intercessors in West Palm Beach as the hanging chads became the storyline on the nightly news. I prayed with Secretary of State Katherine Harris throughout this process. God opens doors and places governmental intercessors with key leaders for His purposes. We all know how this battle turned out: President Bush served our nation for two terms in the White House.

After the inauguration, God opened the doors for us to pray inside the White House grounds—to go into the West Wing and pray over every seat in the press briefing room. We asked God to give our president great wisdom.

We stood in intercession for him throughout his years as president, praying for his re-election in 2004—which is when Bound4LIFE first began. I had the opportunity to greet President and Mrs. Bush when Air Force One landed in Florida and tell him I was praying for him daily.

My husband and I were also invited to be at the White House in 2008 for the National Day of Prayer gathering with President Bush. It’s amazing to consider the many pro-life policies President Bush advocated for and signed during his presidency; one new law, the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003, has been estimated to save more than 11,000 lives in the womb. 

I tell these stories so that we understand the role of intercessors in government.

Florida for LIFE

In 2010, the Lord gave us strategies as to who to surround in intercession for the U.S. Senate seat and for our next governor. During the U.S. Senate race, the Senate candidate began to wear a Life Band—a daily reminder to pray for the ending of abortion, vote for pro-life candidates and serve in acts of compassion as God directs. We prayed in pro-life leaders in both races!

We had over 45 legislators wearing Life Bands in 2011. When four pro-life bills were signed at the Governor’s Mansion, Governor Rick Scott and all the bill sponsors proudly wore the Life Bands given to them by our Bound4LIFE team members.

While one of the four pro-life bills enabled Florida citizens to purchase pro-life license plates, the other three laws ensured a higher level of care for pregnant women while saving lives in the womb.

One required mothers to view an ultrasound prior to an abortion, another prevented the public funding of abortion, and the last ensured that parents are informed when their minor children are pursuing an abortion. This marked the culmination of one of the most successful legislative sessions for the pro-life movement in Florida’s history!

Soon we learned that Florida’s abortion rate fell more than 19 percent in 2011 and the preceding years, a testament to the effectiveness of prayers for life along with pro-life laws crafted carefully with vulnerable women and children in mind.

Many pro-life bills have passed and been signed into law in the past five years. God also made a way for us to put Life Tape in the very foundation of the Florida Supreme Court when it was being remodeled. Also, through intercession, we saw two strong pro-life leaders appointed as Florida Supreme Court Justices.

Believing for Righteous Leaders in 2016

Here we stand again, crying out for God’s man to be put in the White House. We cannot be swayed by the headlines or the nightly news. We must hear the strategies of heaven!

I am reminded of Rees Howells and his team of intercessors during World War II, when he said, “When prayer fails, intercession begins.” We owe a great debt to those who were interceding for the end of Hitler’s reign of terror and didn’t quit. We must carry this election in deep intercession and let the Holy Spirit guide us.

The U.S. Supreme Court hangs in the balance! With the passing of Justice Scalia, no question this election is about the Court. We have won so many battles across the country on behalf of lives in the womb; we cannot stop now. We must keep crying out, God, give us a president who will choose pro-life justices!  

Our hope is not in a political party. Proverbs 29:2 says, “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when a wicked man rules, the people groan.”

We have been groaning these last seven years, even as we have lifted up “supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings” for our national leaders as 1 Timothy 2 clearly directs us. In 2016, we must elect a pro-life president.

It has been said, “We can’t do God’s part, and He won’t do our part.” We are responsible to be obedient to God’s Word—to intercede and to vote for a leader who stands for the value of every life, for marriage and indeed for the nation of Israel.

Rejecting deceptive rhetoric, a vote for life reflects the Father’s heart to see vulnerable women and children protected. Will you be a voice in this hour of history?

The Battle is Raging …

As we look at the election and all the chaos surrounding the primary season, it is up to intercessors to hear from heaven, declare life and intercede over the White House and the U.S. Supreme Court.

Will you stand and not grow weary, declaring the word of the Lord as an intercessor? Jesus is the only hope for this country; and yes, we must have a Great Awakening!

When we stand silently outside the Florida Supreme Court wearing Life Tape, some may think we are missing an opportunity to dialogue with people. Certainly there’s a time and place to listen with care to our neighbors and speak truth.

Yet it’s in silent prayer where our voice is loudest … just as we stand strongest when we’re on our knees.

God is looking for intercessors who will engage in prevailing governmental intercession for the advancement of the gospel. If we do this, we have been obedient to the call of Jesus, the eternal Intercessor.

Pam Olsen is a wife, mother, grandmother, intercessor and missionary. Pam and her husband Tenney founded the International House of Prayer-Tallahassee in 2005, where they serve together as executive directors. Pam is also the President of the Florida Prayer Network and involved in prayer coalitions nationwide. Her son Jared Olsen serves as regional coordinator of Bound4LIFE. Pam and Tenney live in Tallahassee, Florida near their four adult children and multiplying number of grandchildren. The views of the author are her individual opinions and not necessarily those of Bound4LIFE International, which takes no official position for or against individual candidates.

Reprinted with permission from Bound4LIFE. 

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