Here's the Deal, by Larry Tomczak

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Larry Tomczak: How Next Week’s Midterm Election Will Shape Your Children’s Future

2022 11 Tomczak election future

Read Time: 4 Minutes 30 Seconds

“That entire generation passed away, and after them grew up a generation who did not know the Lord or the deeds that He had done for Israel” (Judg. 2:10).

It’s been said that life is a combination of amnesia and déjà vu. Like Israel, we need to not do the same.

Ponder a period 50 years ago, in 1972:

  • Average cost of gasoline was $0.36.
  • Median price of a new home was $27,600.
  • Median family income was $11,120.

And the political scene?

Nov. 7, 1972, Richard Nixon was re-elected president. He defeated the Democratic candidate George McGovern by a landslide of 49 out of 50 states with 520 electoral votes to McGovern’s 17!

About 10 minutes from the White House, a gathering of 2000 Christians soon observed corruption in government and prayed weekly to God for cleansing. We obeyed 2 Timothy 2:1-4 to pray for governing authorities. We believed Daniel 2:21, “It is He who changes the times and the season; He removes kings and sets up kings.”

We followed three action steps from 2 Chronicles 7:14:

  • Pray regularly
  • Repent humbly
  • Engage practically

One year later, Vice President Spiro Agnew was exposed in fraud and resigned. The next year President Nixon resigned. This never happened in US history!

A handful of years later, when Democrat Jimmy Carter brought 18% interest rates and 14% inflation, Reagan came on the scene.

Voters ran Carter out of office. The Reagan Revolution was launched and transformation came. The economy rebounded, the Soviet Union collapsed and the decree of Reagan to Soviet leader Gorbachev came to pass: “Mr. Gorbachev tear down this [Berlin] wall!” It was “morning in America.”

We and our children need to know these historical events. Why? “Those who fail to learn the lessons of history are condemned to repeat them.”

With the midterm elections days away, it’s time for pastors and all people to get engaged in order to see another cleansing of America, and transformational turnaround to once again get America back on track.

Surveying the Scene

One of our political parties has evolved into a leftist-leaning entity, excusing mob violence and anarchist conduct, and is unbelievably seducing a less-informed generation. They have two goals:

1. Retain political power by any means necessary in concert with a corrupt media and politicians lacking any moral code.

2. Remove our Judeo-Christian foundations representing a bulwark to their plans to reconstruct America through a secular vision, embracing a Globalist “Green New Deal,” and Marxist/socialist way of life.

As we raise our children in today’s confused culture, we’re faced with politicians and positions that are unbiblical and dangerous. Conservatives are increasingly ostracized because of biblical standards we unapologetically embrace. Explain this to your children.

Voting for wrong candidates will affect ours and our children’s future! We’re directed by Jesus to be “salt”—not isolated but influential in preserving society from decay.

Amsterdam Alert

I’ve ministered in Amsterdam and observed how people genuflected to leftist-leaning, “progressive” ideas which resulted in chilling cultural decay:

  • taxpayer-funded abortion on demand
  • euthanasia
  • infanticide
  • same-sex “marriage”
  • legalized drugs and prostitution
  • age of consent lowered to 12
  • on-street sex shows
  • pervasive pornography
  • taxpayer-funded sex changes
  • public nudity
  • open gay, lesbian, transvestite activity

Candidates got into positions of influence and fundamentally transformed society. Barbarians were at the gates and the church slept. It’s happened in America but we’re awakening!

The “New Progressive Party”

Democrat “progressives” are “in bed” with, Marxists, Communists, Globalists and the American Civil Liberties Union. They advocate an agenda to overturn traditional America. Their spokespeople push a radical socialist takeover including a “wealth tax,” gradually eliminating private property, abolishing gun ownership, stacking the Supreme Court, legalization of drugs, open borders and permissive sex education in schools.

The ACLU works with leftists to “liberate” America. Founded in 1920 their leaders had communist involvement to dismantle and shape America into its godless image.

This organization has hundreds of millions in assets and thousands of lawyers on their team. They march in lockstep using legal intimidation and disinformation to declare that religious influences must go!

Contrasting Platforms

A certain political party has supported a platform that barely mentions God while the other party affirms God as central to government, society and family.

The contrast between the two parties is no longer difficult to discern. One party advocates:

  • Punishing all who impede access to abortion on demand until the moment of birth; support for taxpayer-funded abortions; and, publicly funding Planned Parenthood
  • Providing amnesty for all illegal immigrants, granting free medical care and entitlements with an “open borders” policy
  • Promoting sexual education that teaches children the LGBTQ agenda and risky sexual behavior (Jill Biden says no books should be banned in schools!)
  • Advocating sexual “diversity” and “inclusivity” promoting transgender bathrooms plus ending all “discrimination” pertaining to homosexual and transgender activity
  • Supporting “Black Lives Matter” and Marxist ideology to dismantle the traditional family and free-market capitalism

Compare and Be Courageous

Scripture tells us that “Marriage is to be honored among everyone, and the bed undefiled. But God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterers” (Heb.13:4). Also, God commands us to advocate against the slaughter of the unborn, “Open your mouth for the speechless in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction” (Prv.31:8).

In contrast to the political party mentioned above, the other party advances very different positions aligned with a biblical worldview, border security, law and order, a strong military, and support for the nuclear family. Its adherents believe “every child deserves a married mom and dad” and that “strong families depending upon God and one another… lessen the need for government in their daily lives.” This we teach our children.

Here’s the Deal: God established government and delegated authority to accomplish His will on earth (Rom. 13:1). Elections afford us the opportunity to determine the future for our nation and our families as we pray and vote for righteous leaders.

Remember: “My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6).

Elections determine the future for our sons and daughters. Let us boldly declare with Joshua, “Yet as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!” (Josh. 24:15).

Please vote on Nov. 8. “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord” (Ps. 33:12). {eoa}

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