Here's the Deal, by Larry Tomczak

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8 Words That Instruct Believers to Attack Cultural Collapse

2023 4 tomczak apocalypse

Storm clouds are on the horizon as we inch towards apocalyptic doom.

Hunter Biden flanked his weak and cognitively deficient father around Ireland as the atheist leaders of Russia and China watched gleefully while five surveillance balloons gather data across America and their pilots shot down one of our drones which Biden ignored.

There were no wars under Trump’s strong leadership, but our enemies perceived weakness as they invaded Ukraine and now prepare to take Taiwan. Are we watching?

America is in steep decline. Pervasive corruption, violence, hatred and perversion are tearing us apart as we spiral to a tipping point akin to the Civil War era. A warning from Founding Father Benjamin Franklin should jolt us out of any apathy into action.

“Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become more corrupt and violent, they have more need of masters.” Radical leftists applaud this reality today while over 200,000 concerned, citizens participated in a prayer call as Trump was indicted in New York, an unprecedented act in U.S. history.

Are we watching?

Time for Divine Intervention

Imagine Joel Osteen; Joyce Meyer; James Robison; Ken Copeland; Pat Robertson; and other high-profile Christian leaders all begin their programs with an agreed-upon in-advance, sober warning to their collective millions of listeners.

“The following message is completely uncharacteristic of our normal broadcast. But we are not living in normal times. We can’t keep pretending God’s judgments aren’t real. What’s happening currently can’t be dismissed as coincidental but providential. We have come to the conclusion that God has directed leaders across this nation to simply communicate eight words: ’40 more days and America will be destroyed.'”

Do you know that the greatest divine intervention took place when an obedient servant of God echoed these exact words in a different location? The leader and the people were so shaken by the severity of the message that they turned from their sinful ways and returned to God amidst national repentance.

“When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, He had compassion and did not bring upon them the destruction He had threatened.” (Jon. 3:10).

What Will It Take to Awaken Us?

An amalgam of unexpected, swift events exploding in tandem with what’s currently unfolding in these perilous times would certainly get the attention of millions in America. The following are real and within the realm of possibility very shortly: devastating economic collapse; gas and food shortages; China/Taiwan war; Russian/European near-nuclear conflict; Islamic terrorist attacks; outbreak of a new man-made virus; racial riots again erupting; massive earthquakes; electromagnetic pulse attack crippling our computers and cell phones; and, God forbid, an assassination of a major political figure.

David Stockman, Ronald Reagan’s former Budget Director, said of our economy, “All hell is about to break loose!”

Ticking Time Bomb

With millions of illegal immigrants (1,500 daily in El Paso alone) and numbers of “watchlist” terrorists continuing to invade our country there is a ticking time bomb in our midst. On 9/11, a handful of terrorists killed 2,977 people, remember?

Consider what it’ll be like when these very real events explode on the scene. Visualize cities becoming lawless centers when desperate people become marauders and looters carrying out criminal acts with impunity.

Don’t dismiss this as nonsensical conspiracy theories. Do we really expect people in a crisis to let others peacefully go ahead of them in lines amidst shortages, curfews and roving vigilantes?

“God hasn’t given us a spirit of fear….” but it might wake people up to pause and ponder some of these coming realities. Just read afresh what Jesus said would be taking place prior to His return.

How Should We Then Live?

In the 1960s, theologian and prophet Francis Schaeffer posed this question to Christians. Analyzing events in history and foretelling what was coming to our nation.

Christians can no longer settle for “status quo” religion with neatly packaged, sanitized, inspirational services with these developments coming as Jesus warned.

We are currently engaged in a titanic, unprecedented struggle with forces of evil and must categorically reject wishful thinking that this is simply temporary, cyclical or manageable. We are at a tipping point where either we experience a divine intervention of God in a Third Great Awakening or we will witness the fulfillment of A. W. Tozer’s prophetic warning: “Historians will conclude that we of the 20th century had the genius to create a great civilization, but we lacked the moral wisdom to preserve it.”

One Word Captures Our Charge

In Matthew 24 and Mark 13, Jesus told us the signs of the end of the age. He basically summed everything up with these words, “He who perseveres ’till the end will be saved” (Matt. 24:13; Mark 13:13).

There simply are no shortcuts in difficult days. We must draw upon the grace of God and make a quality decision that we will pray, participate (as “salt”) and persevere.

March CM CoverCurrently I’m reading “Letter to the American Church” by Eric Metaxas telling us how Dietrich Bonhoffer persevered as a prophetic voice in Nazi Germany and warns us to wake up to the coming danger.

And let’s not forget the inspiration of Winston Churchill during World War II: “If this long island story of ours is to end at last, let it end only when each one of us lies choking in his own blood upon the ground!”

With this almost Shakespearean climax, he rallied them to press on until victory was theirs. {eoa}

Here’s the Deal: Amidst relentless attacks, Trump never gives up. May we emulate his example as we pray for him and our nation in this time of chaos. Let us repent as the people of Nineveh did and remember Jeremiah’s words, “If you have raced with men on foot and they have worn you out, how can you compete with horses?” (Jer.12:5).

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