Franklin Graham: No Room For Compromise

Franklin Graham

As America moves closer to the presidential election, the political debate has intensified. Republicans, Democrats and independents have all been promising what they will do to make our nation a better place.

I have met all of the leading presidential candidates. When I consider who to vote for, I am most interested in the policies they espouse, and how they follow the clear teaching of God’s Word where government policy intersects fundamental moral and spiritual concerns.

For example, I cannot support any candidate or party that favors abortion. Since 1973 when Roe v. Wade became the law of the land, more than 54 million American children have been slaughtered. Abortion is wrong. It is the murder of unborn children, and no law of the land and no party platform can ever legitimize it. How tragic that a mother’s womb has become a killing field for the innocents!

As a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ, I believe this is a non-negotiable issue. I trust that Christians will never grow weary in boldly speaking out on behalf of the unborn, persevering in prayer for God to transform the hearts and minds of our sin-sickened nation.

Same-sex marriage is another moral flashpoint. Who would have ever thought a few decades ago, that eight states would have passed legislation recognizing same-sex marriage as legal? Yet in all 28 states where the issue of same-sex marriage has been put to a statewide vote of the public, it has been roundly defeated and rejected.

This May in my home state of North Carolina, we voted on a constitutional amendment that affirms and upholds the traditional, biblical definition of marriage.

President Obama, who has said in the past that he is open-minded on gay marriage and civil unions, has inserted himself directly into the issue in North Carolina by announcing his opposition to the amendment.

The Bible clearly defines marriage as a union between one man and one woman. There is absolutely no gray area.

Indeed, the Scriptures reveal that when people forgo God’s truth for Satan’s lies, they become increasingly immoral. The consequences are frightening: “God gave them over to degrading passions” including homosexuality, and “gave them over to a depraved mind” (Romans 1:26, 28, NASB).

I realize our nation needs constructive, wise policies for the economy, national defense, energy and a number of other key concerns. My lifetime spans 12 presidents, some liberal and some conservative. They have approached these topics with different policies. At least there is some room for sincere debate on these issues.

However, there is no place for compromise on straightforward moral issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage. God has given us clear, biblical direction that we must follow and obey.

Jesus Christ is both Savior and Lord. Anyone who calls himself a Christian must not only trust Jesus as Savior but also humbly obey Him as Lord. That starts with acknowledging His authority in every realm, including His clearly revealed moral will.

“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people” (Proverbs 14:34).

Franklin Graham, the eldest son of Ruth and Billy Graham, serves as president and CEO of Samaritan’s Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

You can read the original article here. ©2012 BGEA

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