For Response to Coming Government UFO Report, We Need Modern-Day Einstein, Isaiah

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A U.S. government report on Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) is expected to be “profound and transformational” in content. If it concludes that we are likely being visited by aliens from other worlds but they have not contacted us, much remains unknown. Speculation will be rampant. What is the level of technology of these aliens? Why don’t they contact us? How do they transport themselves through space? Is our God also their God? If they choose to contact us, could they provide technology that could solve all our earthly problems, make us healthier to live much longer and generally make our lives much more satisfying? Or will nothing change because they fully intend to leave us totally alone?

I’ve never been part of the ufologist crowd. But I’ve read much about UFOs, and as a former electrical engineer, the most intriguing question is what propels them. Space travel provides fascination for us here on earth, in our actual lives and in novels and films. All our real-life space vehicles are propelled by rockets, but it takes imagination to know what propels the Star Wars vehicles.

One central theme to the speculation on what propels UFOs is that they have harnessed some form of magnetic energy that propels their vehicles. That’s why sightings and images of UFOs that have been observed and captured in electronic images show no form of burning fuel propulsion. They have exhibited the ability to move rapidly, hover, start and stop quickly, and plunge into the ocean, seemingly without constraint. What science have they mastered?

Assuming some form of magnetic propulsion is what they use, we need an earthly scientist the equivalent of Einstein to discover the way to master magnetism to move vehicles. What is it in the physical properties of science do we not yet understand? Is there another level of nuclear power that can establish a level of electromagnetism in a vehicle to power it? Some ufologists say UFOs are frequently seen over nuclear facilities, so are they watching to see if we’re on the verge of discovering that? A recent article describing frequent UFO sightings in a geographic area that has special magnetic properties wondered if that’s why they’re there. New scientific discoveries throughout our history have fostered significant advances that have been life-changing. This would certainly be a major such advance. When will today’s Einstein achieve that?

The other realm of speculation is the supernatural. Many of us believe we are created by God who inhabits a realm totally invisible to us. He has powers we talk about, but we clearly don’t understand how they work. Jesus brought miracles to us science can’t explain. The plethora of predictions contained in the Bible that came to pass demonstrates that God knows the future. We have no understanding about that, but the contents of the Bible provide the historical record, including predictions of future events yet to come. God permits travel between heaven and Earth for a privileged few. The Bible contains several such stories. Angels, Jesus, the apostle John, Moses and others have been in both places. But the Bible doesn’t describe them using UFOs for that travel.

Yet one story in the Bible could be described as UFO travel. The prophet Elijah was taken to heaven while still alive by a chariot (2 Kings 2:11-12). Was that a UFO? On the other hand, there is nothing in the Bible about beings like us living on other planets. It only talks about heaven, heavenly beings and the Holy City of Jerusalem being prepared to be put on Earth (Rev. 21). We need a prophet like Isaiah to tell us about beings on other planets, their relationship to God, how we may eventually communicate with them as part of God’s universe, and what we can expect if we get to know them.

Science and Christianity are subjects that often bring conflict when examined together. We have no ability to prove the existence of heaven through the scientific method. Thus most people in the world don’t believe in heaven. We expect that when Jesus returns to Earth, we’ll be given all the scientific proof we need about God, heaven and the supernatural. All inhabitants on Earth will then have the facts of the supernatural to believe in God and Jesus as we do. At the moment, the question of UFO origin remains as much a mystery as the mystery of where heaven exists.

So where can we find today’s Einstein and Isaiah or find some way to learn about the unknown? How important is that for our future? Perhaps that needs to be a priority prayer subject. We may indeed be at a profound and transformational point in our history. {eoa}

Dayton Maxwell has worked in development assistance and crisis response management from 1959 until the present. This includes a career with the U.S. Agency for International Development, four years each with the Non-Government Organizations International Voluntary Services and World Vision International, serving as a consultant with General Dynamics Information Technology and currently with International Professional Associates Inc. He served in Laos, Chad, Niger, Bosnia and Iraq with USAID. He holds a B.S.E.E. from Iowa State University and an M.A. from the University of Hawaii, earned while a fellow at the East West Center. He has published articles and chapters in books; the most recent is in a book on President George Bush that has just been published.

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