Does God Have a Zodiac? Is the Gospel in the Stars?

The gospel may be in the stars.

This is the first in a 13-part series entitled, “God’s Zodiac: The Gospel in the Stars.”

What if everything you were ever taught or believed about astrology, horoscopes and the Zodiac were false? What if the original Zodiac was perverted, distorted and changed to such an extent that no one knew its original meaning imprinted in the sky?

The daily horoscopes printed in newspapers, magazines or online are actually perversions of the original horoscope God inscribed in the heavens when He created the world.

In Primeval Astronomy, “The Gospel in the Stars,” Joseph Augustus Seiss explains the purpose of the stars and their constellations in their original context. In a lecture titled “The Starry Worlds,” first published in 1882, he attests:

“Such wonderful creations of almighty power and wisdom were not without a purpose.”

Seiss explains that stars and groups of stars, constellations, were created to fill the galaxy—in a particular order for a very specific purpose. God created the stars (Gen. 1:16) and positioned them in their exact places in the universe (Ps. 8:3). Stars were “to indicate seasons, and days, and years. Let them be lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth” (Gen. 1:14-15).

Stars were so important that God named them. 

“He counts the number of the stars; He calls them all by their names” (Ps. 147:4).

“Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one and calls forth each of them by name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing” (Is. 20:26).

Consider the stars’ names and their meaning, which “all declare the Glory of God” (Ps. 19):

  • Orion: “Coming as light,” the Prince of Light;
  • Rigel: “The foot that crushes” [the serpent], and
  • Saiph: “bruised” [the serpent];
  • Betelgeuse: “The coming of the branch” representing “the shoot from the stump of Jesse” (Is. 11:1);
  • Bellatrix: “Swiftly destroying,” the Prince who avenges His people; and
  • Al Nitak: “The wounded,” who redeems His people.

In fact, the 24 brightest stars seen from Earth, are referenced in verses from Genesis to Revelation.

These constellations are undeniably evident to everyone, Seiss argues, as does David throughout the Psalms.

Scripture is not silent: Everything in God’s creation, He ordered with a specific purpose.

Mathematicians and scientists have discovered exact distances between the Earth and the sun. The Earth completely revolves around the sun in increments of 12—at an angle—every 365.25 days. The Earth routinely, every year, tilts nearest the Sun (perihelion) in early January and farthest from the Sun (aphelion) in early July. These increments of 12 are not coincidences. 

The 12 signs of the Zodiac mark something significant about specific periods of time. Avah, Hebrew for “signs,” and Moed, Hebrew for “seasons,” indicate that the stars mark something fixed and/or appointed—specifically prophetic and historical events.

Pointing to the writings and work of Cicero, the Chaldeans, Egyptians, Phoenecians, and to some of his more contemporary counterparts, Richer, Roberts, Dupuis, Clarke, Smith and Syce, Seiss explains that this mathematical precision, the artistic illustration connecting each star, tells the gospel story. He notes that even before these men, others had “observed, classified, grouped and designated the starry worlds, assigning them their names, marking their courses, and making them the bearers of wisdom the dearest and most precious ever made known to man.” Because of their research and precision, he remarks, “the stellar glories took order, shape and readable meaning, which the depravities of the after ages have not been able to set aside.”

Meaning there is a traceable, original purpose.

Any story anyone ascribes to these constellations other than their true gospel meaning is false. Seiss argues:

“Evil is always perverted good, as dirt is simply matter out of place. It is the spoilation of some better thing going before it. And so there is reason to think that there is, after all, some great original, divine science connected with the stars, which astrology has prostituted to its own base ends, and which is our duty to search out and turn to its proper evangelical use.”

Additionally, not only are the star groups “intensely symbolic and significant” they also are founded on “indisputable astronomic truth.”

In fact, the same star groups are recognized universally among all traditions, cultures and faiths. Through these symbols the story of the gospel was made known to everyone in every generation.

Throughout his lecture, Seiss describes in detail the purpose of the constellations, the 12 signs of the Zodiac, the planets, the alphabet and the desire of nations. He also references the discoveries of one of the foremost scholars of ancient classics, Frances Rolleston, whose work, Mazzaroth, was published in 1863. Rolleston’s pioneering research provided much of the insight knowable today, connecting ancient meanings to modern vernacular.

However, despite these textual translations, the gospel is laid out in pictures throughout the constellations of: a serpent, a cross, a dragon, a virgin, a seed, the serpent’s destroyer, conflict with the dragon, a lamb, a prince and kings, water, fish, sheep and a shepherd, warriors and a lion.

The stars are a continual reminder that the Seed of the woman will ultimately triumph over the Serpent (Gen. 3:15). God’s revelation is constantly told in the stars (Ps. 19)—which is a message of salvation—available to every generation who professes faith (Rom. 9-11; book of Joel; book of Isaiah). The entire ancient world received the gospel prior to Christ ever being born—through the stars.

The next 12 articles will explain the biblical meaning behind each of the 12 signs of the Zodiac, their star groupings, and their part in telling the gospel story:

Virgo: Seed, Incarnate Son

Libra: Redeemer

Scorpio: Sufferer

Saggitarius: Conqueror

Capricorn: Sacrifice

Aquarius: Living Water

Pisces: Liberator

Aries: Glorious Lamb

Taurus: Judge

Gemini: King

Cancer: Protector

Leo: Victor

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