Congress Executes Sinister, Concealed Plan on Unwitting Americans

2021 12 Kubal intecessory prayer

While all eyes were on the Dobbs case the evening before the Supreme Court hearing, the House was hearing about and debating a sinister plan to implement a national immunization record tracking system.

Called the H.R. 550 – Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act of 2021, the measure was debated for just 40 minutes, and the recorded vote revealed all Democrats and 80 Republicans voted in favor of passage—294 in total.

The Act was sent to the U.S. Senate, where it will be evaluated by the Health, Education, Labor & Pension Committee (known as the HELP Committee).

This measure is one Senate vote away from becoming law.

What Does It Do?

The bill appropriates $400 million to develop and implement a national immunization record tracking system for use federally, by states, by local municipalities, by U.S. territories and even sovereign nation tribal areas.

The purpose of this bill is clear:

— To strengthen the current vaccine mandates.

— To add a layer of enforcement to the mandate which may result in refusing access or services to nonvaccinated or nonboostered Americans.

—To provide a mechanism for federal, state and local governments to access your vaccine status that would easily lead to the introduction of a vaccine passport or no-fly list.

What Happens Next?

If passed by the Senate, it would be implemented in less than 12 months. Once freedom and privacy on this issue is lost, it will be nearly impossible to regain. The time to act is now.

What Do We Do?

It is important that we take this opportunity to let our senators know our thoughts and concerns about the use of our tax dollars for this critical piece of legislation. There are two messages that can be sent. Look at this map to see which message you will send.

Here is what you can do in three easy steps:

1. Pray: Seek the Father for wisdom on this issue and your response.

2. Take action if you live in a yellow state on the map: If you live in a yellow state, your role in addressing these senators as a constituent is strategically important. Yellow states, click here to take action.

If you live in a gray state on the map: If you live in a gray state, with no senator on the HELP Committee, your message will be different but still critically important. Gray states, click here to take action.

3. Multiply your voice: Forward this notification to five of your friends whom you believe would take action.

Praying and working together, we can make a difference and make our concerns heard in the Senate. {eoa}

Dave Kubal is the president and CEO of Intercessors for America.

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