Christ’s Message of Hope Desperately Needed in This Hour


One of my favorite songs from the 1980s was “People Need the Lord.” You can hear a wonderful Steve Green rendition by clicking here; it will minister to your spirit.

I was reminded of it this week when I got an email from Ed Nizynski of Lighthouse Christian Products Co. from Chicago. He sends some statistics to people in the industry showing why the Christian message of hope still matters for the lost.  

By taking statistics from the government, you can find out how people are in need. For example:

  • 8 percent of the population is grappling with cancer—that’s 19 million of the 231 million people in America over the age of 18.
  • Another nearly 26 million have diabetes.
  • More than 15 million are dealing with some form of severe depression. That may only be 6.7 percent of the adult population, but that’s a lot of people.  

Ed was reminding us that what we do matters because people need hope. They really do need the Lord—especially in an era when the secular media makes it sound apparent that society is becoming more and more secular and that people are not interested in spiritual things. What the media tells us simply isn’t true, however.  

Lighthouse Christian Products Co. is one of the most respected gift companies in our industry. Through Christian bookstores, they sell things like engraved crosses, Scripture card holders, framed art and biblical sculptures.  

Simply think about the people that need the Lord:

  • On average, there are 750,000 people in the United States who attempt suicide every year, and about 35,000 of them are successful.  
  • Nearly 24 million people use illicit drugs in the U.S.  
  • 12 million people commit some kind of crime each year (9 million are property crimes, while 1.2 million are violent crimes).

What can we do to reach out to these people? Some, like Ed Nizynski, are doing it through the products they produce that give people hope and remind them of the Savior. Others, like me, are influencing the nation for Christ through the media.  

Take the time to read the statistics, which you can find by clicking here. Or share this article on social media to encourage your friends to also think about those who are hurting and need Jesus. Please leave your comments below.

Steve Strang is the founder and publisher of Charisma. Follow him on Twitter at @sstrang or Facebook (stephenestrang).

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