Chobani Yogurt Ad Mainstreams Sexual Perversion

Chobani yogurt

Whether or not you’re a fan of Chobani Greek yogurt, this will turn your stomach and may cause you to switch brands.

Chobani’s latest commercial works hard to mainstream sin by featuring two women naked in bed together. I won’t go into any more graphic details. That’s quite shameful enough in its own right.

“This commercial not only promotes same-sex relationships by including two lesbians, but also same-sex marriage because the two women wear matching wedding bands,” argues One Million Moms. “The ad states, ‘To Love this Life is to Live it Naturally.’ There is nothing natural about homosexuality.”

One Million Moms then poses a great question: What does selling yogurt have to do with gay sex? Nothing at all, they answer, but Chobani wants to make the association because it’s become popular to do so despite Romans 1:26-27. In case you don’t have your Bible handy, those verses read:

“For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. Their women exchanged the natural function for what is against nature. Likewise the men, leaving the natural function of the woman, burned in their lust toward one another, men with men doing that which is shameful, and receiving in themselves the due penalty of their error.”

I agree with One Million Moms: This ad would be inappropriate for TV even if it were a heterosexual couple naked in bed together.

“There is additional concern about the way this advertisement is pushing the LGBT agenda, but an even greater concern is that the commercial is airing when children are likely watching television,” One Million Moms says. “To make matters worse, this advertisement has aired during family programs such as Full House on Nickelodeon and The Willis Family on TLC.”

The bottom line: Airing this commercial during family-friendly shows, especially on a children’s network, does more than push the envelope. It crosses a line that Chobani should have never crossed.

If you want to let Chobani know how distasteful its ad is, click here.

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