Book of Revelation Shares Obama’s Role in Prophetic History

Magill's book,

The possibilities have circulated concerning President Barack Obama since the day he stepped into office. For many, Obama’s qualifications are without question, even more so after the recent news that he is seeking the head position at the United Nations after he leaves office.

Steve Magill, author of the book Revelation and the Age of Antichrist made this observation concerning the qualifications of the Antichrist: “The abundance of speculation about whether a specific person could even be considered must also fall in line with qualifications outlined in Daniel 11.”

This chapter is clear that the king of the North and the king of the South are in continual conflict with each other. Commentators have no problem agreeing with the historical interpretation of these two kings as the kings of Syria and Egypt in verses 5-27; and when we get to verses 28-45, there also is agreement that the Antichrist is referred to. However, for some reason many commentators interpret these verses as a future Antichrist who comes out of Europe or some other place, completely ignoring the context of the chapter.

If the kings referred to are Syria and Egypt in verses 5-27, then these kings also will reference Syria and Egypt in verses 28-45. When we follow Daniel 11’s chronology of events, it is without question that the Antichrist is the final king of the North, arising out of Syria.

Now concerning Obama, where is he from? It is clear his heritage is from the Southern kingdom and has no link to the Northern kingdom. When we reference the clear teaching of Scripture, then we must conclude that Obama is far from being a candidate for the position of the Antichrist. Obama is an antichrist, but not the Antichrist.

What is Obama’s role in prophetic history? Magill’s book, Revelation and the Age of Antichrist, is clear that Obama’s role is to lead America, as one of the Antichrist’s voices, to eventually assimilate into the Antichrist’s kingdom referred to in Scripture as the 10 toes, 10 horns and in today’s lingo, referred to as the New World Order, which is the realignment of all nations into 10 political/economic regions.

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