Alveda King Shares Dire Warning for America After Looting

2020 alveda king

I was very restless in my spirit yesterday. With my goddaughter, Angela Stanton King, “boots on the ground” in Minneapolis, Minnesota, COVID-19 qualms at critical mass, personal family matters and that type of thing, it was hard to pray. However, I did.

This morning as I spoke with Angela by phone, the POTUS text about looting and shooting surfaced. With my heart heavily grieved and moved by the cruel murder of George Floyd, who was a man of God, and other related events, an urgent cry arose in my heart. Pray for an end of the looting and shooting. Unite in prayer as One Blood!

“And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also some of your own poets have said, ‘For we are also His offspring'” (Acts 17:26-28, NKJV).

I am saddened, yet undaunted, that a quote of my Uncle MLK’s is being taken out of context: “Violence is the language of the unheard.” Prophet Martin Luther King Jr. MLK spoke those words in defense of nonviolence. He refused to promote violence as a solution to the ills of society.

As we are in “the eye of the storm,” the solution remains: Peace, be still.

We are in flux, with George Floyd, Martin Luther King Jr., COVID-19 and unborn, aborted babies, all whirling around in a chaotic storm. Peace, be still. Anchor with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

“When and where peripherals collide, convergence is imminent.” –Evangelist Alveda King

Today, as these storms coincide and converge, what can we do so that we are not fearful and not panicking, but praying, believing and loving? We must pray and unite as one blood, one America, one human race.

As I write this message, I am joining a business empowerment roundtable discussion with our vice president, HUD secretary, Georgia governor, secretary of agriculture, Unity Bank officials and others—very encouraging.

Thank God for promises made and promises kept. We must continue on.

As we pray, as we thank God, as we see all of the progress we are making together in America, we will get through this. Pray for America. {eoa}

Alveda King is an evangelist, director of Civil Rights for the Unborn for Priests for Life, FOX NEWS contributor and niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

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