After Paris Attack, How Should Christians Respond to Radical Islam?

Paris shooting terrorist attack je suis charlie

In the wake of yesterday’s vicious attacks by radical Islamic terrorists at the Paris offices of the satirical newspaper, Charlie Hebdo, which killed 12 and wounded 11, religion and culture expert Dr. Alex McFarland is not afraid to speak out.

“Today, we mourn the violent execution of 12 individuals because they were exercising their God-given right to speak freely. In light of such a horrific act of hatred perpetrated by radical Islamic terrorists who would seek to cow the world into submission, the world must not be afraid, and the world must not be silent. Now is not the time for fear or for appeasement in the misguided belief this will lead to peace.”

McFarland is the author of 16 books, including his latest, 10 Issues That Divide Christians, which calls Christ-followers to drill-down to the biblical core of 10 current issues, including abortion. Only by engaging the Scriptures deeply, thinking clearly and speaking truthfully can those in God’s family address their differences and discover the peace that comes with unity of purpose. 

“Appeasement of terrorists always and only leads to one thing: empowerment of terrorists. Violence and tyranny are at the core of radical Islam, and such hatred cannot live peaceably beside a free people,” he says. “All of us who love liberty and recognize its source as God alone have one message: We will not be censored, and we will die before we are bulled into silence.” 

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