A Must-Read for 21st-Century Christians

Pro-lifers protest abortion at the office of House Speaker John Boehner.

The latest book by Frank Pavone, Abolishing Abortion: How You Can Play a Part in Ending the Greatest Evil of Our Day, is a much-needed book in these turbulent days as we see the value of human life being attacked on many different fronts.

In Abolishing Abortion, Pavone delivers 20 “arrows” to pierce the chinks in the deadly armor of the abortion machine. It’s a “how-to approach” packed with anecdotes and historical perspectives. 

I have been working with Pavone for 10 years as director of African-American outreach with Priests for Life. During this time we have fought many battles to save the unborn from death and for their right to life. We have also labored to help the mothers and families of the babies. Abortion makes victims not only of the babies, but society as a whole. 

I first met Pavone at a Right to Life meeting over 20 years ago. I had been pro-life since 1983, and as a post abortive African-American woman, I welcomed the opportunity to join him in the greatest civil rights battle of our times. 

Just as my uncle, Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., fanned the flames of the civil rights movement, so today Pavone is doing the same for the movement to end abortion. Pavone’s book Abolishing Abortion is another step in that great task.

Life today seems to have less value, at least in the eyes of many. Whether black lives, unborn lives, lives of the disabled or lives of the elderly, all life has been devalued. Yet what would you expect from societies that allow a mother to kill her own child and call it a personal “choice?”

Today death has spread from the abortion facilities to the deserts of Iraq, to the streets of our cities, to the classrooms of our schools and to the prayer meetings of our churches.

The killing will not end until we begin to defend the most innocent of all, the unborn babies in the womb. When we say that their lives matter, then we can truly say, “All Lives Matter.” And yes, we can even put a hashtag in front of it if we like.

Abolishing Abortion is a call to action for everyone who values human life; which can change hearts and minds and ultimately the world.

Alveda King is author of King Rules, founder of Alveda King Ministries, director of African American Outreach for Priests for Life, and spiritual adviser for Restore the Dream 2015

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