Open Doors Shockwave

Worldwide Prayer Weekend Sends Shockwave Through Persecuted Church


Millions of Christians worldwide are being persecuted for their faith. Every day believers face torture, imprisonment or the loss of their lives simply because they are Christians. 

What would it be like to walk in their shoes? Hebrews 13:3 tells us to “remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.” 

Thousands of young people from countries around the world will participate in Shockwave this weekend to support suffering believers. Shockwave is an international weekend of united prayer for persecuted Christians in countries such as North Korea, Iran, China, Syria and Nigeria.

The theme for Shockwave 2013 is “Prayer and Unity.” Participants in past Shockwave events include young believers from South Africa, Indonesia, United Kingdom, Japan, Australia, India, France, Brazil, Germany and the United States. This is the 12th annual Shockwave event sponsored by Open Doors. 

According to Shockwave spokesmen, the event unites young people who are “passionate, committed and unashamed of Jesus.” They ask young people from around the world to be a voice that tells the story of the persecuted church, and be a group of “walking billboards” who unashamedly stand up for those who suffer for following Jesus. 

“Shockwave is an amazing way to have young people from around the world praying for the persecuted church,” says Steve Ridgway, interim president/CEO of Open Doors USA. “Join with us and thousands of other young people in lifting up our suffering brothers and sisters in prayer this weekend.”

Open Doors USA will have prayer resources available this weekend on the Open Doors USA facebook page at

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