Masses Mourn Loss of Dr. Myles Munroe as Kingdom Leader, Teacher

2014 world munroe supporters

Tributes from around the world poured in Monday from followers and supporters of the ministry of Dr. Myles Munroe, whose life tragically was cut short Sunday when his private jet crashed while on approach to the Bahamas’s international airport.

The quotes below, lifted from the Facebook pages of both Munroe’s ministry and Charisma News, are poignant, filled with grief and yet with faith too—faith in a God who knows what He’s doing and faith that his followers will one day be reunited with Dr. and Ruth Munroe in heaven.

  • Beth-Renee McCracken: An unbelievable loss to those of us who have been encouraged and inspired by him for years on end. His legacy will continue to live on through his books and publications. May his family be encouraged and strengthened by God in this difficult time until we see him again.
  • Ruben Antonio Rosa Roque: We mourn the unexpected passing of our brother and his wife, crave God be a balm in this time for his church and his family. God gives us comfort and let us continue the legacy our brother.
  • Vincent Kumar: He was very near to me by his wonderful books. It was shocking news. May the Lord be with his Children in ministry. My deep condolence to all bereaved family. With tears n prayers
  • Adrian Pillay: They have run the race, they have fought the good fight of faith and they have entered Heaven’s gate victorious. My prayers go out to the Myles Munroe family and ministry. Be strong in the Lord and the power of his might.
  • Michael Coe: A General in the Kingdom has gone and his team. Our prayers are with each family in the loss of their love ones. To the church family we lift each of you in prayer.
  • David Mwaka To be honest my simple human understanding has failed to find peace with this sad news, i have failed. Yes i know people die but in a billion years i could never imagine both our mother and father leaving us in such a tragic way. Honestly it hurts deeply. For now i will mourn, perspective later. All i can do is mourn for now. I cannot ignore the pain.
  • Czarney Ellington: As it should go on. As one of his quote, from his book, Becoming a leader…. “Success without Successors is failure.” He has many successors to carry on. We will be interceding continually.
  • Norma Nicola: Absent from the body and present with the Lord.
  • Ferdinand Tambwe: The Kingdom teacher has been called back home by the King into His Kingdom. We will miss you but soon we all be together again at the master’s feet. Thanks for being a great blessing. BFM be strong and courageous. God bless you and RIP Dr Myles and Ruth Munroe.
  • Eliseu Siqueira: “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith; henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day; and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.” (2 Timóteo 4:7-8)
  • Theresa Young: Love you sir
  • Adebayo Adedotun Oyelakin: Dr Myles & wife; you shall b greatly missed by the Church of Christ & Indeed the world at large; we love you, but Christ knows all things…. Good night great soldiers…. R.I.P.
  • Dar Dove Rea: We also sad !!! An many other people who heard his teachings an met him an comfort to his remaining family members we pray !!!!! Heavens gain Earths loss as is said !!!
  • Yvonne Drge: OMG, Myles Munroe came to Christ for the Nations Bible College in the early ’90 and told a story about being in a plane that was having problems and the person next to him was very upset and asked him why he wasn’t. He turned to the man and said “I know its not my time.” Ironic that he did lose his life in a plane crash. I will never forget him coming up to speak to us as the school was closing. Lord bless his family and all the other familes …
  • Maria Angela Q. Rebano: I’m really really saddened by this…SP warfare is real
  • Carolyn Brandon: Myles’ kingdom teaching so impacted and changed us, we are so saddened by this news
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