NFL Player Fined for Christian Headband, Causing ‘Man of God’ Movement to Explode

2019 10 reuters demario davis

NFL player Demario Davis of the New Orleans Saints is giving all the glory to God for the huge upward movement from his “Man of God” headbands.

Davis was originally fined $7,000 by the NFL for wearing a headband that said “Man of God” under his helmet during a game on Sept. 22. After some public backlash, the NFL eventually backed down, but not before it had unintentionally created a new “Man of God” movement, fueled by Demario Davis and his supporters.

Fox News reports Davis never predicted this much attention would come from his cause. He had made a difficult decision to comply with the NFL and not wear the headband, but he was determined to make something good out of the situation.

Davis described his initial struggle, saying, “I was in a conflict; this is strongly what I believe, and I can’t do it. And because it says what it says, I really don’t want to take it off.”

But then he realized he could obey the NFL and still bring glory to God. “It would be proper for me to be obedient and follow the rule. But then I said, ‘God is going to get glory from this headband, whether I wear it or not.'”

So Davis used the publicity from his fine to sell “Man of God” headbands to raise money to expand the emergency room at a hospital in Jackson, Mississippi. He decided to give 100% of the proceeds from the headband sales to further their expansion.

Click here to read the rest of this story from our content partners at CBN News.

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