A Lutheran President?


She’s in. And she says she’s a bold choice. She’s Rep. Michele Bachmann, a Christian voice with a Lutheran background—and she could be the answer to Mormon candidate Mitt Romney. Charismatics have also taken note of her degree from the Coburn School of Law at Oral Roberts University.

Bachmann grew up a Democrat and worked for Jimmy Carter’s election in 1976, but switched parties after seeing Carter’s big budget plans.

“I remember [my grandmother’s] prophetic admonition to my father that the Great Society wouldn’t work because it wouldn’t be my father’s generation who paid for it, but rather my brother, David, and me,” she says. “Now that prediction has come true, and neither my Democrat father nor my Republican grandmother would have condoned this spending and debt.”

In 2006, Bachmann became the first Republican woman to be elected to the U.S. House of Representatives from Minnesota. From the beginning, she has demonstrated bold reform, pushing to fix what she calls Washington’s broken ways.

“My voice is part of a movement to take back our country, and now I want to take that voice to the White House,” Bachmann says. “It is the voice of constitutional conservatives who want our government to do its job.”

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