Charisma News Brief: ‘Joe the Plumber’ Dies From Pancreatic Cancer at 49

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Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher, also known as Joe the Plumber, died earlier this week. He was known for his bold and confrontational stance against Obama’s tax policies back in 2008 when the former president was on the campaign trail. After suffering with pancreatic cancer, Wurzelbacher died at age 49.

“Our hearts are broken,” Wurzelbacher’s wife, Katie, said in a statement. “We lost a beloved husband, father, son, brother and friend.”

Wurzelbacher became a voice in the conservative movement as he represented the struggles and dreams of the average American. However, his family noted that it was during the end stages of his life that his priorities shifted from the political cause of the country to that of his family and faith.

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“His big thing [was] that everyone come to God,” Wurzelbacher’s son, Joey, told NPR. “That’s what he taught me, and that’s a message I hope is heard by a lot of people.”

On the Wurzelbacher family’s Give Send Go account, Katie Wurzelbacher was quoted about the joy he brought his family and friends.

“I won’t forget that smile he gave me,” she said. “It brought him peace knowing we were all together by family. And everyone who helped us move also brought Joe that peace. Truly, truly, thank you!”

Wurzelbacher’s political career included time traveling with John McCain and Sarah Palin during the 2008 presidential campaign and writing a book, “Joe The Plumber: Fighting for the American Dream.”

While family and friends continue to grieve at his passing, Katie Wurzelbacher shared that one of the things that made Joe special to everyone was his ability to connect with the everyday American.

“He was an average, honorable man trying to do great things for the country he loved so deeply after being thrust into the public eye for asking a question.”

Wurzelbacher leaves behind his wife and four children. {eoa}

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Abby Trivett is a marketing copywriter and coordinator for Charisma Media.

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