Woman Shares Gospel to Disarm Enraged Assassin Sent to Kill Her

2020 05 virignia prodan

Virginia Prodan doesn’t hide the fact that she should be dead. In her book, Saving My Assassin, Virginia shares the incredible story of death staring her in the face and how she fought back with nothing but the Word of God.

“I am not a hero; God gave me this mission, and I was a tool in God’s hands,” Virginia tells CBN News.

As a 23-year-old human rights attorney, Virginia took the Romanian communist and socialist regime she lived under to court to defend her fellow citizens’ rights to religious freedom, and it almost cost her her life

“The government, socialist government, it’s a government who will establish a system where the government is your God, not Christ,” explains Virginia.

Christians Thrown in Jail During Ceauscescu’s Rule

During dictator Nicolae Ceauscescu’s rule in the 1980s, Christians who were found in possession of Bibles or shared Christ with others were thrown in jail, even though the country had religious freedom laws on the books.

“I was told in those interrogations that those laws weren’t in the books to protect Romanian freedom of religion and freedom of speech, they were in the law books of Romania for the Western civilization to believe that we have freedom,” recalls Virginia.

But Virginia proceeded to use those laws to fight the government, anyway.

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