Why Men Need to Step Up More Than Ever During COVID-19 Crisis

2020 04 families quarantine

Over the past several weeks as humankind across the globe deals with the reality of the COVID-19 pandemic, many men have been much more physically present with their families. A new reality of working from home and having children unable to attend school has forced families into closer quarters than they may be used to.

By necessity, they are more dialed in than ever before.

Dr. Tim Clinton, author or editor of 30 books, including Why You Do the Things You Do and Caring for People God’s Way, says many men are facing an unprecedented need for leadership—at home, in their professions, through their churches and in crisis situations.

That leadership, Clinton says, begins with also being dialed in to God’s call for men to reclaim their biblical manhood—and begin leading authentically again.

“Especially in these times in our world—situations we have never experienced—men today need to know where to get strength and empowerment for forgiveness and cleansing,” Clinton states. “It’s not online or at a ball game or even hanging with the guys. Sometimes you have to leave the crowd, get alone with God, and cry out to Him until you find Him—and don’t let go until your empowerment and transformation come. There’s power in crying out.

“‘Call upon me in the day of trouble,’ declares the Lord. ‘I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me,'” Clinton adds, as he points to Psalm 50:15. “There’s power in renewing your mind as well: ‘Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect’ (Rom. 12:2). Being conformed to this world doesn’t take effort. It just happens naturally. Renewing our minds with God, on the other hand, takes intentionality. It takes effort. When we are dialed in to Him, something supernatural takes place. We become transformed and experience the peace of God. This is what happened to King David of the Bible. He got back to the fundamentals with his God, got back in sync. He got dialed in. As a result, his whole countenance was transformed.”

Clinton, president of the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC), challenges readers to reject culture’s redefinition and seek biblical examples of true manhood. Clinton often references relevant biblical and contemporary stories of godly men like David and Nehemiah, of biblical notoriety, as well as Bobby Bowden and Tim Tebow, when he challenges men to be who God created them to be and to impact the culture that is in desperate need of their influence. {eoa}

Dr. Tim Clinton also serves as the executive director of the James Dobson Family Institute and recurring cohost of Dr. James Dobson’s Family Talk, heard on nearly 1,300 radio outlets daily. Licensed as a professional counselor and as a marriage and family therapist, Clinton is recognized as a world leader in mental health and relationship issues and has authored or edited nearly 30 books. Clinton and his wife, Julie, have two children.

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