Why Christmas in the End Times is So Meaningful


With Christmas upon us, many people are hustling to stores, buying ingredients galore to make cookies and other sweet treats, and most of all, preparing for the festivities planned with family and friends. Yet, as we draw nearer to Christ’s return, we can be certain that the days will be darker and the need for hope will only continue to grow. However, even in the middle of turbulence God’s faithfulness is still true and can be trusted.

What was so meaningful about the first Christmas was the fact that God had finally fulfilled His promise, even if in the strangest way possible by bringing a baby into the world to a teen girl in a manger. And today, what makes Christmas even more special is that as we see the signs of the end times creeping upon us, it is a reminder that God will be good and faithful to once again do as He said and return to His people.

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Revelation 22:6 is a powerful verse of Scripture as it says: “The angel said to me, ‘These words are faithful and true. The Lord God of the holy prophets sent His angel to show to His servants the things which must soon take place.'”

There are things that must happen. The wars and rumors of wars, the birth pangs, the coming of the Antichrist—everything must happen that was foretold. However, not only must they happen, but they will happen because God’s Word is faithful and true, and it never returns void. And while many of the things to come are painful and pressuring, it means we are getting closer to uniting with the One we love: Jesus.

Revelation 22:17 says, “The Spirit and the bride say, ‘Come.’ Let him who hears say, ‘Come.’ Let him who is thirsty come. Let him who desires take the water of life freely.”

While we are living in a time where we see Israel under attack, the indoctrination of children growing more rampant and political divides continue to grow, we are also experiencing revivals, seeing people delivered from the demonic oppression and the gospel is reaching to the very ends of the earth. All of these events collectively point to the buildup for the greatest event still to come, and that’s the return of Christ for His bride, where we will forever experience the wonder of His presence and what it means to be filled with His living water.

So, even though it could be easy to reminisce about past Christmases and longing for what already has been, where we are headed, while difficult for a time, will bring about the deepest and most joyful day still to come. As we approach Christmas and remember the birth of the Savior, we can also, with great expectation and assurance, look to His return and an eternity with Him that will be more than anything we ever could have hoped for or imagined. {eoa}

Abby Trivett is a marketing copywriter and coordinator for Charisma Media.

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