Troy Black Prophecy: “My Word is the Ultimate Authority”

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Prophet Troy Black shared a chilling and convicting prophecy about a coming denominational shift regarding where God is going to pour out His Spirit. Black says that the things which have worked in the past are no longer going to work in the future. Instead, God is removing the fiery mantle within some denominations and shifting it to those who are willing to walk according to His righteousness.

Black shared a vision he received of extinguished candles which represented believers or groups of believers within these denominations. He interpreted these candles as symbols of waning spiritual fervor and warned that many denominations have veered away from God’s righteous standards and substituted them with their own truths.

“I saw that these candles were separated into groups and they were sitting in a row on a wide banister in a church,” Black said. “I saw that all the flames were out on the candles. They had been lit, but they were out. And I heard the Holy Spirit say, ‘I’m blowing out candles right now. Removing the flame, removing my covering from many denominational structures this year.'”

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Black shared extra details about the specifics of why God is removing his covering from certain Christian denominations but not others.

“What has worked in the past will cease to work apart from my Spirit blowing on it,” Black said. “The flame that was burning is out, and many of my people have traded the real with the fake.”

This is especially critical as we’ve seen an influx of Methodist churches separating over whether or not practicing LGBTQ persons should have pastoral positions and if homosexual marriages should take place in the church.

“They’ve put on layers, masquerading under false colors, flying a fake flag,” Black said. “Trying to represent the King, but really only showing off their own ambition.”

This part of Black’s prophecy speaks directly into the explosion of LGBTQ acceptance and pride infiltrating the church, which most recently gave way to a drag queen topping the Christian music charts.

Black continued with the prophecy by stating, “There are several denominations that are just not going to work anymore because of the decisions they have made to walk away from My righteous standard and to make their own truth. My Word matters. My Word is the ultimate authority, and I will only get behind those who live by it.”

This part of Black’s prophecy rings true with the words found in Micah 6:8: “He has told you, O man, what is good—and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justice and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”

God is after those whose hearts and minds are willing to do what He asks and to follow His Word. Obedience to God isn’t a suggestion—it’s an ultimatum for living according to His plan and inside of His will.

Black went on to emphasize the importance of the power of God’s grace. While we have been saved to do His good works, Black wants people to be reminded that it isn’t those works that save us, but only by the name which is Jesus (Acts 4:12). Black clarifies that living in fear of punishment is not the motive for righteous living. Instead, it is the understanding of God’s unmerited favor, grace and boundless love that transforms hearts and spurs us to change.

“No one can live up to God’s holy standard, not even the best preacher you know,” Black said. “The way that we walk righteously before the Lord and how we receive His righteousness is through faith in what Jesus did for us on the cross…you can’t walk holy apart from believing in what Jesus did. It’s His righteousness and it’s His sacrifice that purifies us. It’s not our ‘holy living’ that purifies us.”

Troy Black’s prophetic message serves as a call to all believers to seriously reflect on our relationship with God, the authenticity of our faith and the transformative power that only His grace can provide.

As we see both progressive Christianity and rigid doctrine with little grace each try to permeate the church, it’s important for believers to keep their eyes fixed on one thing: Jesus. As long as we remain rooted in our relationship with Christ, we can look to the days ahead with confidence that God is right beside us no matter what the world throws at us. {eoa}

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Abby Trivett is a marketing copywriter and coordinator for Charisma Media.

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