Lou Engle Joins Former Homosexuals in Boston Freedom March

2019 11 freedom march lou engle

The next Freedom March will be held in Boston, Mass on a Saturday April 18th, 2020. Freedom March is a collection of individuals that once lived the LGBTQ lifestyle but decided to leave that identity according to their convictions. Freedom March is a day of sharing these testimonies and then marching publicly in the downtown areas of cities. FM has already visited Washington D.C., Los Angeles, St. Paul, and Orlando.

Founder Jeffrey McCall is excited that this upcoming FM will have Lou Engle as a partner. “We honor Lou Engle and all he has accomplished in the body of Christ. For years he has been a guiding light standing up for truth, righteousness, and justice. It is so nice to have a general of God boldly step forward to partner with us!”

Freedom March is not about protesting but more about these individuals being able to share their freedom stories. The event has testimonies, worship, and then the actual march. The march begins as they line up behind a banner and walk the streets proclaiming Jesus Christ is Lord.

One Boston speaker, Luis Ruiz, survived the pulse Nightclub shooting. He states, “Don’t spend all your time searching for freedom and then make freedom your God. Spend time with Jesus, and in Him you will find freedom.”

Jeffrey states, “So many people assume that we are trying not to be gay and suppressing ourselves. In reality, we are happy, fun, joyful, and keeping our eyes on the prize. I like to think eternal and not just about what I want right now. Denying yourself has been much forgotten in the Christian world. People want to do what they want and just slip a little Jesus in. Jesus asked us to be hot or cold. We want to be all in for Jesus and love people even if they do not have the same beliefs as we do.”

Lou Engle is excited to be joining the Freedom March. He will be leading a prayer movement that night after the FM. Lou has a heart to help see these brothers and sisters find their way in the Lord. Lou also believes that the body of Christ should join in Boston and celebrate these testimonies and the power of God.

“What the hippies were to the Jesus movement of the 1960s, the LGBTQ could be to the next Jesus Movement,” Lou says. “Join the Freedom March!”

Jeffrey believes it’s time the ecclesia unites over this movement.

“I’ve reached out before to churches and organizations that simply were not interested in joining us,” he says. “The FM has definitely become a grassroots movement. Each March has progressively grown in attendance. We really would love our brothers and sisters in Christ to join us in Boston or even Washington DC on Saturday May 16th. I founded this event because I wanted these testimonies shared. So many people think there is no chance for their loved ones trapped in these identities, but that’s not true. A lot of people have never even heard of these types of testimonies.

“Well, all that is going to change! Freedom March and its board are dedicated to getting these amazing redemption stories out there for people to see the transforming power of the gospel! A rainbow revival has begun and we are just now seeing the beginning of it. I believe those saved out of the LGBTQ lifestyles will spark the next great revival in the United States of America! When people outside of the church and even inside hear these stories it sparks belief in people. It lets the public see there is no one too far gone, and that God is still working miracles! It opens the door of faith again for people to believe that their loved ones can be set free.

“It also shows the LGBTQ community that we know how they feel: because we lived it. We know that Jesus loves that community and that his blood was shed for them also. We want everyone to experience beautiful repentance, surrender and coming into a relationship with the one who created them.”

You can follow Freedom March on Facebook and Instagram.

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