Is This The Most Dangerous Social Media Trend?


What is manifesting, and why is it such a big deal? Well, the problem is, it’s trying to receive exactly what you want by your own will power. It’s about trying to make something happen by your own power, as if you and you alone have some type of cosmic ability to control everything in the universe. Synonyms for manifesting could be declaring, or evidencing. However, in the context that the world uses, this is far from biblical.

Manifesting is a spiritual idea that has found its way into celebrity culture and onto the dating scene as well. However, manifesting someone into your life, in any capacity, shows little regard for them as a person with their own emotions, value and free will.

Simply wanting things isn’t bad, but believing you can actually shift the atmosphere because of your own abilities places yourself in the position of God up above Him and His goodness and knowledge. God sees all, knows all, and without Him, none of us would even be here.

When you place yourself in a spiritual position where you’re dealing with spiritual realms and entities to try to deliver your desires, you are placing your trust in powers and principalities that are literally seeking to kill you. However, these demons want you to believe that you are your own god and when you fall, they will not be there to pick you back up, because they had one goal in mind the entire time: to destroy your life.

However, the spiritual side of manifestation isn’t completely dangerous. Instead, it is something good from God that was taken by an evil enemy and twisted around for an agenda seeking to kill and destroy. First Corinthians 12:7 says, “But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to everyone for the common good.” This means that God Himself will manifest His presence in our world, and in our lives. The Holy Spirit is the One who draws people in certain ways and He is the One who manifests all good and perfect things that come from above. God’s ways are higher than our ways, and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. We only act in partial. There’s a reason Scripture says that we only see in part (1 Cor. 13:12). If we base everything based on the natural, seen world, we will miss what is actually going on in the spiritual realm.

A greedy and perverted view of manifesting outside of the Holy Spirit has unfortunately infiltrated its way into the church. Some believe God to be merely a genie who is meant to give us everything we want and desire simply because we believed enough for it. However, God is a good and just God who sees all, knows all and gives according to the desires that match His good and perfect will. Take this time to reflect and ask yourself if you’ve been praying for God’s will to be done here on earth as it is in heaven, or if you’ve attempted to make things happen on your own terms. {eoa}

Abby Trivett is a marketing copywriter and coordinator for Charisma Media.

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