Embracing Holiness: A Path to Spiritual Distinction

Ken Fish

In a world where conformity often reigns supreme, embracing a life of holiness can set one apart in profound ways. As Christians, we’re called to be in the world but not of it, and this distinction is perhaps most evident in our pursuit of holiness.

In his exclusive Beyond the Article interview with Charisma Magazine Online, author Ken Fish shares how the pursuit and the power of holiness does more than just help us to meet superficial requirements that we believe God may ask of us. Instead, seeking holiness helps us to know God in deeper and more meaningful ways.

“One of the things I’ve noticed about people who are not only on fire for the Lord, but people who are actually used by the Lord is they typically have a reverence for God,” Fish says. “They have a sense of awe and respect, and there are certain lines they won’t cross.”

This call right here echoes Proverbs 1:7 which tells us that “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.”

Those who fear the Lord are ultimately those who are seeking after something more. Whether its wisdom, knowledge or another godly trait that can only be given from God, Christians who fear Him are desiring more of Him and His ways of righteousness, and because of that, He can use them in greater capacities.

However, holiness is not about a rigid set of rules or outward appearances. Instead, it is fundamentally about being set apart for God’s purposes. It’s about aligning our lives with His character and reflecting His glory in all we do.

“Simply avoiding certain things will not keep you fervent for the Lord,” Fish says. “Fervency is built by turning back toward the Lord, seeking His face as we say, and choosing consciously to give a portion of our day to one-on-one interaction with Him.”

It is when we humbly and wholeheartedly seek after the Lord that we oftentimes are then challenged by God to give up certain things and habits in order to continue to know Him better. It is not abstaining from habits that automatically make us more like our heavenly Father, but it is in the pursuit of coming to know Him that we desire less and less of the world and more of Him.

In his feature article of Charisma Magazine Online, Fish also writes that holiness is about giving the entirety of our lives to the God who created us.

“In the end, God’s call to be holy is an all-encompassing claim on our lives, our loves and our identities,” Fish writes.

Embracing holiness means embracing our identity as children of God—a chosen people called to reflect His light in a darkened world. It’s a radical departure from the status quo, requiring courage and steadfastness in the face of opposition. Yet, it’s in this distinctiveness that we find true freedom and purpose. {eoa}

Abby Trivett is a marketing copywriter and coordinator for Charisma Media.

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