A Spiritual Warfare Prayer That Burns Up the Enemy’s Plans in Your Life

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“Burn up the wicked one’s strategies in our lives God.” I found myself uttering those words on my Mornings With the Holy Spirit prophetic prayer calls last week.

The Holy Spirit showed me the enemy has come in like a flood against many saints in this hour, but it’s in His presence where we catch the fire. It’s in His presence where we receive what we need from Him. It’s sustaining His presence. It’s the desperation for His presence. It’s the, “I’ve got to have His presence” mindset that positions our hearts to walk in a place with a fire on the inside of us pushing back the enemy’s plans.

If you are in a prolonged season of spiritual warfare, let this prayer I prayed on the morning prayer call be your prayer:

Father, help us get to that place of “I’ve got to have Your presence.” We don’t want to play Christianity any more, God. We don’t want to play games any more God. No more church games! Oh God, will you just burn this stuff out of us. It’s not of you. Burn it out. Start with us today, God. We want to walk closer to you God for real. Let your fire fall.

Purge us of the selfish ambition; purge us of the pride, God. Purge of the deceptions, the wrong assumptions, those haughty feelings. Purge us God. Fire. Fire. Fire. Help us, God. Let your fire come. Let your fire come, your purifying fire come, let the dross come to the surface, that You might blow it away by the wind of Your Spirit and free us from the wounds of the last season that have bound us. Free us from the emotions that have held us down, free us from the witchcraft that has come to oppress our hearts, God.

Burn up the wicked one’s strategies in our lives, God.

See, I’ve learned the enemy attacks for two different reasons in our lives: We’re doing something right or we’re doing something wrong. Jesus said the enemy had no place in Him (see John 14:30). Sometimes, we give the enemy place in our lives through unforgiveness, pride, the words of our mouth that agree with his lies and so on.

When we pray prayers like the one above, we’re inviting God to take up our battles; a God “[whose] breath kindles coals, and a flame goes out of his mouth” (Job 41:21). We’re also inviting Him to send His refining fire into our lives that will help us identify and shut doors to the wicked strategies of the enemy in our life.

Now, you can tap into these Mornings With the Holy Spirit prayer calls on Periscope. Follow me @propheticbooks. Be sure to get a copy of the devotional.

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