2023: The Prophetic Events Leading Up to the Invasion on Israel


As 2023 wraps up, the questions could be asked: “Which prophetic words were fulfilled?” and “Which ones we should still be on the lookout to see what comes to pass?”

As the Lord would have it, the state of Israel was placed on the hearts of many, mere months before war broke out. There are also some key warnings that America must heed in light of the events that have come to pass in Israel. While we see the devastation and the chaos unfold overseas, here are some of the top prophetic words and events about the state of Israel from 2023.

Back in May, the International House of Prayer Kansas City spent a three-week initiative known as the Isaiah 62 fast committed to praying and fasting for the people of Israel. What is in Isaiah 62? Isaiah 62 focuses on the salvation and the promises that God has for Israel. While none of us could have known that just a few months later Israel would find themselves completely war-torn, this event in itself acted as a covering and a preparation for what would come, fixated completely on the biblical promise that God has not forsaken His people.

IHOPKC is not the only group that had Israel on their hearts. As Charisma magazine reported, Rabbi Kirt Schneider had a revelation back in July of what was coming for Israel.

“The Lord spoke to me in early July as I was up one morning doing my devotional reading from the book of Esther,” Schneider said. “It was like a bomb of revelation and prophecy filled me and dropped right into my heart, and instantly with no thought involved I knew that Jewish people were about to face the greatest attack that they had ever faced since the Holocaust.”

As we’ve seen in the news, Schneider’s words unfortunately came true on October 7. God revealed even more specifics to Schneider as he was shown how the media would betray Israel.

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“The way that the media was going to portray it is that Israel was this terrible oppressor and tyrant and they were taking out a disproportionate revenge on those that had attacked them, and that the devil was going to use this to turn the whole world against Jews with an antisemitism that we have not witnessed since Nazi Germany,” Schneider said.

Amanda Grace of Ark of Grace Ministries also shared with Charisma magazine that God had previously shared with her a couple of years ago about an Ayatollah and a Dragon coming together with “the purse prize being the destruction of Israel.”

While Grace’s word spoke about the merging together of China and Iran to attack Israel, Grace provided an even larger, stark warning about the need to pray for Israel as the enemy in the spirit realm was ready to attack it. This need for prayer included peace for Israel, wisdom for Netanyahu during a difficult season ahead and for the covering of Israel from its enemies.

“Israel is in the middle of a hornet’s nest, there’s no doubt about this,” Grace said. “[Pray] that the enemies surrounding it, that the Lord puts a hedge of protection around them.”

Grace also acknowledged a coming war against Israel known as the “Ezekiel war.”

“It talks about in the end days an enormous army marching on Israel. It will be called the war of Ezekiel,” Grace said.

Other prophetic warnings about Israel also had implications for America’s future, including a warning from Chris Reed, as he had a dream that what had happened to Israel was coming to America. However, with Reed’s warning, America still has time to repent and find its way back to the plan and the purpose that God has for it.

“One of the first things obviously we can do, is we can pray against this,” Reed said. “The second thing that I knew that we could do, is as if we got everybody—if we got everybody, everywhere—to call their U.S. representatives, their senators and demand that Congress take action on the border…third, developing, even bringing training into your churches of situation awareness,” Reed said.

As prophetic warnings and prayers were sent forward for Israel in 2023, America too must heed the warnings that connect it with Israel. {eoa}

Abby Trivett is a marketing copywriter and coordinator for Charisma Media.

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