WATCH: How You May Have Opened Demonic Portals in Your Life

2021 12 Video Lion of Judah Demon

Whether some Christians want to believe it or not, demons are looking for every opportunity to take over their lives simply because they are children of God.

If their eyes could just get a glimpse into the spirit world, they would most likely not participate in some of the things they think are harmless or possess things in their homes that can open a portal into the demonic realm. One of the reasons God does not allow many believers to see into the spirit world is that they would not be able to handle the things they would see.

God takes these practices seriously, and every believer should, too.

According to Deuteronomy 18:9-12, witchcraft, sorcery and wizardry are all practices that have been prohibited in the Bible. There are Christians who believe that these practices are not real, and that these practices are made up. But God would not forbid them to get involved in something that they are not supposed to.

Lion of Judah Ministries says you might be surprised at the amount of people in the church that secretly are involved in these practices or that own objects that can unwittingly open up a home to the demonic realm. Take, for instance, this story the ministry learned of:

A woman bought a necklace that was made of gold. She started wearing this necklace and problems began happening in her life immediately. She constantly had nightmares of someone attempting to strangle her. She couldn’t sleep at night, and she hated the nighttime because of these nightmares. It was too much for her.

This continued for a long time until she got tired of it. She went to a pastor for deliverance. When the pastor began praying, the necklace began to change color. That was when the pastor began to notice the necklace. They both struggled for a long time to remove the necklace from her neck. After they removed the necklace, the pastor saw a small inscription that was written in an old language. They found a way to translate the language, and it read, “sold to the devil.”

Please pray that God would open your eyes to any such object you might have in your home or if you are unwittingly involved in any demonic practices. Pray that He will cleanse your home and your body from any such things.

Watch this video and learn more about how God wants to purify your life.

“But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the abominable, the murderers, the sexually immoral, the sorcerers, the idolaters, and all liars shall have their portion in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone. This is the second death” (Rev. 21:8). {eoa}

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