She Performed Abortions Without Any Remorse—Until God Stepped In

2020 misc Video kathi234234

Former OB/GYN Dr. Kathi Aultman used to perform abortions and didn’t feel any remorse from it because she thought she was helping women. This desire to help women was what drove her forward, but when she finally realized she was killing people by performing abortions, Aultman accepted Jesus’ forgiveness and became pro-life.

“It wasn’t until I had my baby that I made that baby-fetus connection, and suddenly, the baby being unwanted was no longer enough justification for me to kill it,” Aultman says. “That was the point I realized I was killing human beings. I think what’s so critical is, we have to take that same compassion we have toward women with unwanted pregnancies and consider this little person who is not going to be deprived of just a few months of their life, but of an entire lifetime.”

To watch the entire interview, click here.

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