One of Satan’s Craftiest End-Time Strategies to Trap ‘Believers’

2021 10 Lion Judah sin

The Bible constantly warns us about the craftiness of Satan and his plans to win people to him—even those who are confessed followers of Jesus. There is one strategy, Lion of Judah Ministries says, that has worked well to the enemy’s advantage to trap people and keep them in sin.

Having a seared conscience is the worst place for a Christian to be. As it says in 1 Timothy 4:1-2, “Now the Spirit clearly says in the last times some will depart from the faith and pay attention to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their consciences seared with a hot iron.”

“You see it in churches, and you see it in the world. The devil is trying to infiltrate the consciences of people,” the narrator of this ministry video says. “The devil wants people to keep committing the same sin over and over again until their conscience becomes dead, until their conscience becomes accustomed to it. The devil wants people to keep going back to their sin repeatedly until their life is adjusted to that pattern of living.

“There are many people today, believers included, that commit many grievous sins, but they will never show any sign of remorse for them. It is because their conscience is seared. Over the past decade, so many scandals have come to light involving influential pastors and people in the Christian community involved in immoral activity. Some of them have been involved in this activity for years, for decades.

“But if you still have a heart judging over any sin when you fall, it is because your conscience is still alive. The activeness of your conscience is determined by your level of submission to God’s judgment and correction. If your conscience judges you about certain misconduct, and you quickly repent and ask God for mercy, your conscience and sensitivity to sin will be enhanced. But the more rebellious you are to the voice of your conscience, the more weakened it will grow. A persistent rebellion to the voice of sin will lead you to a seared conscience.”

How can you tell if your conscience is being seared? Watch this video and discover how you can avoid it. {eoa}

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