Bishop T.D. Jakes: The Church Has Been Fighting an Invisible Enemy for 2,000 Years

2020 misc Video tdjakes456

Bishop T.D. Jakes says that although we need to be wise and practice social distancing during this COVID-19 crisis, it’s also important to realize that we’ve always been at war with an invisible enemy. This seemingly invisible coronavirus shouldn’t cause fear.

“It occurred to me that what makes this season with the coronavirus so difficult is that we are fighting an invisible enemy,” Jakes says. ” … As a church, we’ve been in a fight with an invisible enemy, we’ve had an invisible enemy for 2,000 years that lurked in the shadows. Thank God, since we must fight an invisible enemy, we also have an invisible weapon.

“The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but they are mighty through God for the pulling down of strongholds. We’ve always had to fight in the invisible. That’s where the church really has an upper hand in this moment, because we are used to spiritual warfare. … Let us use the fact that we are adept at spiritual warfare to arm ourselves in such a way that we are not thrown off by the fact that we’re fighting an invisible enemy.”

To hear Jakes’ entire message, click here.

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