Solar Resources Can Change Education in Developing Nations


Children in developing nations are lagging behind their peers in developed countries. Without education, the fight against poverty cannot succeed.

According to the World Bank, this learning crisis is widening social gaps instead of narrowing them. Young students who are already disadvantaged by poverty, conflict, gender or disability reach young adulthood without even the most basic life skills, reports the United Nations Centre.

World Bank found that it was a combination of corruption and poorly paid and trained teachers that are hindering students in developing nations such as Africa and Asia.

In countries such as Indonesia, Jordan and Peru, students in the 75th percentile in maths barely meet, or even lag behind, the 25th percentile in OECD countries, reports the Financial Times.

The report shows that income inequality also plays a role. Uruguayan students in the lowest income quintile were five times as likely to lack math proficiency as those in the highest quintile. Despite several years in school, many students in developing regions cannot read. Without primary and secondary education, young people will face lost opportunities and lower wages later in life.

Aldelano Solar Cold Chain Solutions seeks to aid developing nations by providing necessities such as clean water, solar power and cold storage to raise the standard of living and make more possible. Nonprofits working in these regions can provide teachers and schools with greater solar resources that will operate in remote areas with little to no maintenance.

The Aldelano Solar WaterMaker can create clean water from moisture in the air. By providing fresh water, students are less likely to miss school due to water-borne illnesses. The Aldelano Solar PowerPak delivers stable solar power in remote areas and developing nations that lack power grids. Electricity has the potential to revamp the learning process to assist teachers with more skills and create more resources for students. The Aldelano Solar ColdBox provides cold storage for food or medicine. Food and medicine storage raises the standard of living for villages so young people can focus on education rather than the struggle for survival.

The World Bank Report says that world leaders must make learning a priority for all. Great change takes time. Our solar solutions allow nonprofits to make a significant impact now, without waiting for a political shift that may take years. Aldelano Solar Cold Chain Solutions are mobile, come ready to use and are the most robust solar solutions on the market.

Our ADOPT-A-BOX program can help your organization take off-grid and mobile resources to communities in need. We have everything you need to raise money for the Solar ColdBox, a robust, industrial-grade cold storage solution that can be used to store food or medicine.

For more information:

Donnan, Shawn. “World Bank Warns of ‘Global Learning Crisis.” Financial Times, 26 Sept. 2017,

“Global ‘Learning Crisis’ Threatens Future of Millions of Young Students – World Bank.” United Nations News Centre, 26 Sept. 2017,

“World Bank Warns of ‘Learning Crisis’ in Global Education.” World Bank, 26 Sept. 2017,


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